22 de enero de 2008


Dedicated to the People of BELIZE, CENTRAL AMERICA

So many people in this land so free,
Diverse with so many different ethnicities,
We have welcomed all who come to our shores,
We’ve even opened to them our hearts and our doors.

We are allowed to think and say what we want,
No one can tell us talking our minds we can’t.
We may not all be alike, nor all agree,
But opposite views we can give because we are free.

We may not all be headed in the same directions,
But we may all meet at the same intersection.
That is possible if we care for Belize,
And want it to be a place where freedom will never cease.

If we work hand in hand for the betterment of all,
We will not be stopped by a stone or cement wall.
This is our country that is now 24,
Let us work together so we can achieve so much more.

So shout and cheer Belize on its Independence Day,
Spread happiness and laughter in every way.
For the blue, white and red let us all stand,
And wave our flags as we march to the band.

Diverse People, Diverse Views,
Belizeans it’s time we pay our dues.
One Goal and Betterment for all,
We’re on the march – do you hear the call?

Brenda Aurora Ysaguirre
September 19th., 2005

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