14 de febrero de 2008


Orange Walk ~ Northern Belize

With a population of 22,000, this largely Hispanic settlement is the largest town in northern Belize ....
Orange Walk, situated on the New River and Northern Highway, is located 52 miles north of Belize City. The country's only tollbooth signals the entrance to Orange Walk Town, and after paying the small toll one immediately notices two distinctive sites: the scenic New River with its tour guide operators along it's banks and the smokestacks of the sugar mill.
The town is a mix of Spanish, Maya, East Indians, visiting Mennonites and Chinese. Mexican influences remain strong. Spanish and creole are the most common languages spoken. Orange Walk District, with a population of just under forty thousand, is Belize 's third largest populated district.
The area economy is involved primarily in the seasonal harvesting and processing of sugar though it no longer reigns supreme. Orange Walk is also important for its production of dairy products, citrus fruits, beef and rum production.
In addition to the agricultural diversification in recent years, their has been an economic boost from ecotourism. With over 400 species of birds recorded in this district, more so than anywhere else in the country, Orange Walk District is a birder's paradise.
Orange Walk has the basics: lodging, restaurants, grocery, clothing and gas. Orange Walk Town is not generally considered a tourist destination, more a stop-over to boat up the New River to Lamanai, travel the Blue Creek Road to the Rio Bravo Conservation Area, or trek to Shipstern Nature Reserve.
Visit Orange Walk Town as part of a Belize Explorer Country-Wide Birding Package.
Getting There ....

Drive The Northern Highway is paved and in good condition. Good gas availability. Drive time is about 75 minutes.
Bus Buses leave on the half hour from Belize City.

Visit Belize as part of Rainforest, Ruins & Reef Vacation Package

1 comentario:

  1. nice weblog, yours living in Belmopan? thanks..Brazilian in Belize?


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