28 de abril de 2008

SOS. HELP BRUNO. Blog Solidarity

The boy in these photos is Bruno Alberto Gentiletti. He disappeared on March 2, 1997 in Rosario's resort called La Florida when he was 9 years old (see first photo).

Bruno has green greyish eyes, chestnut-colored hair, white skin and a scar located in the right scapula. He was born on June 18, 1988 in Las Rosas, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Today Bruno is 19 years old. His family did a study of progression of age at the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Bruno would look like the second photo now.

We believe that you can help us find him. So I ask you to send an email with the information and/or the address of this blog http://brunogentiletti.blogspot.com to all your friends and acquaintances, in this country and around the world, so that in turn, they can do the same.

Like Bruno, there are thousands of children who have been denied the right to grow up with their families and they all deserve that an effort be made to find them.
Thank you for YOUR HELP!!!

Marisa Olguín ( Bruno’s Mother)Juan de Garay 867 - Las Rosas - Santa Fe - Argentina

Tel.: 03471-454212

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