29 de mayo de 2008


If we fail to appreciate what we have, we can lose it in a flash. (Brenda A. Ysaguirre)

I am thankful eveyday that I live in a country that is FREE. We can talk about the politicans and we can rip and rant about the things they do and we don't get thrown into jail.

Everyday I am reminded, when I listen to the news or watch it on television, that this world is filled with too many crazy situations.

Unfortunately, right now financial situations worldwide is killing and the only sanity in all this is that some of us have learnt to live on very little.

The grow cost of food and gasoline leaves me to believe that very soon we will be heading into the lifestyle of the past. AND I man the really way back PAST. We made not be able to drive around town all day Sunday, or fly out to San Pedro to visit friends, or just go to the store and take everything we want and put it in our basket.

So, it is time for us to start being careful of how we spend our money. BUDGETING, which is a very evil word to most of us, will have to happen. Our life and livelihood depend on it.

Keep your spirits up, because we have a long stretch before us.

Have a great day!
Brenda A. Ysaguirre

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