15 de mayo de 2008


7NEWS is a media house in Belize. These days it seems as if there are many in power who are abusing of this right and the people beneath them are crying for it to stop. Belizeans have come a long way and it seems that this Government has inherited a new Belize indeed. One in which the people find their voies and demonstrate the way thet feel.
Let this be a warning to all Principals countrywide that they are not GOD. They must learn to listen to the masses and they must be respectful if they want to be respected.

The person who believes only what he or she wants and who walks on others in their hunger for power, loses everything in the eyes of their peers.
Brenda A. Ysaguirre

We’ve reported plentifully on the sickouts that were staged at Escuela Mexico in San roman Village. The teachers called in sick to protest the management of principal Juanita Lucas. Well today at Sadie Vernon High in Belize City, a similar thing happened. Except that the teachers didn’t call in sick; they showed up to school and simply didn’t go into the classrooms to teach. That left the students in the breech, not quite sure what to do. Jacqueline Godwin was there looking for answers.

Jacqueline Godwin Reporting,

When 7NEWS arrived at Sadie Vernon Technical High School around ten this morning there were no classes in session. Many of the students were outside their classrooms and members of the school’s board were arriving for an emergency meeting. We did approach Principal Laura Baptist for comment but she said she could not talk because she was about to go into a meeting with the board.

While we were waiting a teacher invited us into the staff room and that is where we found fourteen of the seventeen members of staff. The teachers say they are not in the classrooms because they have had enough of what they called a total disrespect by the school principal. According to Geraldine Tillett, they have been frustrated by administration for two years.

Geraldine Tillett, Teacher – Sadie Vernon High School“For quite some while we’ve been having some problems with the administration and we’ve tried to iron it out but it seems to be escalating. So today we had a meeting. It was supposed to be a short meeting and what happened, we brought up the issue of students who are supposed to go on suspension, for those who had twenty five or more demerits. The principal basically told us that she will handle it herself. These students have not gone on suspension as yet and she is practically telling us that the demerits we gave were not valid. That’s basically what she said, not in that many words. And so we started to discuss with her and she walked out and said that she didn’t have time for that. So we are sitting in the staff room, waiting for her to come back and continue the meeting before we go into class because this problem must be resolved.

Well the way she treats teachers and she has a tendency to put the student’s word above that of the teacher and she has even mentioned to one teacher that the students is the jury for teachers.”

We did interview the president of the student body and other students but late this afternoon we got a phone call from Principal Baptist telling us that the school board stated that because we did not get permission to enter the compound and speak to the students, we could not air the interviews. There was mixed reaction from the students who claim they do not now what the situation but understand why the teachers and the principal may not be in agreement.

Jacqueline Godwin, "What does this mean for the students of Sadie Vernon?

Geraldine Tillett,“Well we want to go into the classrooms but this could have been resolved a long time. When she saw us sitting in, all she had to do was to come back and find out what was the problem and continue the meeting. We would have been in the classrooms a long time. Our concern is the students. I don’t think teachers can lose their jobs for standing up for their rights. That is our rights. This is Education Week, what better way to can we teach our students to stand up for their rights than during this time.”

Jacqueline Godwin, "If nothing is resolved what will happen?

Geraldine Tillett,“Well we will see what will be the next step. But we have to get this problem resolved as soon as possible. Exams are coming up, CXCs are going on, this problem must be resolved.”

But some two hours after the sit out the teachers and students returned to their classrooms and that is because the teachers say they were promised a meeting with the school board. Jacqueline

Godwin reporting for 7NEWS.

Late this afternoon Principal Laura Baptist did tell us that she has not been disrespectful. Baptist said she could not comment further because the situation is still being discussed. Late this evening we contacted a member of the school board who told 7NEWS that the school board, the Ministry of Education, the school principal and the teachers continue to dialogue to resolve issues. The board members also told us that as of this afternoon, the teachers returned to their classrooms.

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