21 de julio de 2008


I haven't read the news coverage on the situation surroundng the Las Vegas Casino yet. I will write what I have heard and then I will clip the news coverage articles.

BelizeanView (as told to me):
There was a robbery at the Casino. Seems the owners always give advance pay to staff and someone owed a lot and didn't want to pay. Hence3, some Mexicans trid to rob the Casino ans where chased over the Mexican border and were arrested for possessing a gun and bullets and for shooting at a Mexican as he fled from the Casino into Mexico.

Mexican View (as told to me):
Someone won a lot of money at the Casino and the owner wanted them to keep on playing and because they didn't and left they were chased into Mexico. The American owner of the casino and his security workers were arrested for shooting the Mexican IN HIS OWN COUNTRY PLUS IT IS A CRIME TO TAKE A WEAPON INTO MEXICO AND WITH BULLETS - EVEN WORST. The fine is something like 30 to 35 years in jail but for the time being they are just eing held as the fine has not been met.

Reports coming out of Chetumal are that the illegal firearm charges have been dropped, which is good news. But don’t rejoice as yet because the men are now facing charges for the attempted murder of thirty-five year old Edwin Jesús Navarro Meneses.

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