29 de agosto de 2008


A robber was reportedly stopped smack in his tracks minutes after he stole a knapsack this morning. The incident occurred just after eleven on Cemetery Road when the thief followed a woman who had just made a withdrawal from an A.T.M. at Shell One Stop Gas Station at the corner of Central American Boulevard and Cemetery Road and demanded her cash. Police, who were right on his tail when the incident occurred, pursued the culprit all the way to the corner of Logwood Street and Magazine Road where they eventually nabbed him. But in his attempt to escape police, the thief almost knocked a girl off a bicycle and was intercepted by a brave senior citizen who said she has known him for a long time.

Maud Conorquie, Stopped Robber
“Me and di young lady di talk yah soh. So I tell ah noh move, stay noh move. Den di young man di come direct to we so I tell ah noh run, stay right close me, if yoh run I wah hold yoh and soh ih look fi run soh.”

Marion Ali
“You tell di man this?”

Maud Conorqiue
“Yes, I tell ah noh run. I tell ah stay right yah and ih di look fi run soh I seh stay, I wah kick yoh up, soh stay right yah because yoh done do wrong den yoh wah look fi run from police. Ih seh but lady I get shot soh I seh well dat dah your problem cause weh yoh wah run fah? Soh wen I look di police di come from soh and dah soh dehn tek ah and put ah inna di vehicle and I tell dehn hey unnu owe me wah award because dah me ketch di man fi unu.”

Marion Ali
“You feel if you neva deh hold ah, ih mi wah…”

Maud Conorquie
“ih mi gwein, ih mi gwein fi true and den ih mi wah get shot because dehn mi wah hurt ah because ih di run. Why ih di run?”

Stunned by Blood-dripping Robber
“I see di police dehn by my house but I really pay it no mind. Two ah di police pick up dehn gone by Cemetery and den I see di young man wid di school bag by di shop. And den when I si di police dehn gone more up by Roger’s Stadium, di young man come out through di alley by health centre and den he come and jump over di old bus terminal fence. And den one ah di police wid gun come out by di bus terminal gate and den ih di ask di security guard fi mek ih open di gate because somebody jump through yah. And den she mi want other information but di policeman gone in and we heard wah shot back deh and den we just si di young man di come running through here and I just see di shot eena ih hand. And then he run up into me but instead of I move outta his way he run right up into me and then I run left my bike weh mi deh down deh and dah wah lady weh mi deh beside me stop ah.”

Maud Conorquie
“He all time eena problem and soh with police and soh cause he noh work and thing, you know. And if ih do wah job ih still do ih lee act between. Miss I got my son dem and I tell you, if I ketch dehn di du anything outta di way I noh di joke wid dem. Yoh noh fi rob nobody out yah.”

Marion Ali
“You noh think by telling him that yoh put yourself in danger?”

Maud Conorqui
“No, dah no danger, he dah no kinda danger. God deh wid me man. I save fi he life too because if he mi run go anywhere dehn mi wah shot ah.”

The jacker, Vanzie Lamb, has received treatment at the K.H.M.H. for his injured hand and now faces a charge of Robbery. While police did not find the money on him, they believe he might have hidden it in an unoccupied bus.

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