28 de agosto de 2009


This page today is in English and Spanish because I believe it to be very important that all my readers know about RED BULL, THE DRINK THAT SO MANY ARE PURCHASING!!! I took my time to translate it into English so please be kind as I am still having a hard time translating back and forth.


This drink is sold in every supermarket in our country. It is sold to anyone and is in fashion so any of us can drink it, just by being curious. ... and it can be fatal.

Red Bull was created to stimulate the brain in people undergoing great physical activities and was never intended to be consumed as an innocent drink.

is marketed worldwide with its advertisement stating that it 'Increases your physical resistance, speeds up the concentration and reaction, gives you more energy and improves mood'. (All this can be found in a can of: RED BULL energy drink of the millennium (according to their greedy owners).

Red Bull has managed to achieve nearly 100 countries worldwide. The Red Bull brand is key to young consumers and athletes, two attractive segments that have been captivated by the stimulus that the drink produces...


This drink was created by Dietrich Mateschitz, an Austrian born businessman, who discovered it on a business trip to Hong Kong, while working for a manufacturer of toothbrushes.

The liquid - based on a formula that contains caffeine and taurine - caused a furor in this country and Mateschitz then thought about the resounding success that this drink would have in Europe, where it still did not exist, plus he viewed it as an opportunity to become an entrepreneur.


France and Denmark have just banned RED BULL for being a
cocktail of death, due to the components of vitamins mixed with GLUCURONOLACTONE.

Glucuronolactone is a highly dangerous chemical, developed by the Department of Defense United States in the 60s to boost the morale of the troops stationed in Vietnam, which acted as a hallucinogenic drug that eased the stress of war.

But its effects on the body were so devastating, that it was discontinued as the high rate of cases of migraines, brain tumors and diseases of the liver was shown in the soldiers who consumed it.

Even though this is so, Red Bull still lists in its components: GLUCURONALACTONE, as been classified medically as a stimulant. But what is missing on the can of Red Bull information, are the consequences of its consumption, and there are a series of warnings that should be placed on the information on the can:

1 .. It is dangerous to take if you do not exercise after physical activity, as its energizing function accelerates the heart rate and can cause a heart attack.

2. You run the risk of a cerebral hemorrhage, because Red Bull contains components that dilute the blood to the heart so pumping would take less effort thus less physical exhaustion.

3. It is forbidden to mix Red Bull with alcohol, because the mixture turns into a 'death bomb' that directly attacks the liver, causing the affected area to not regenerate.

4. One of the main components of Red Bull is vitamin B12, used in medicine for recovering patients who are in ethyl coma (coma caused by alcohol consumption).

That is why taking it causes hypertension and a state of excitability, as if you were drunk without having taken alcoholic drinks.

5. Regular consumption of Red Bull triggers the appearance of a series of nervous and irreversible neuronal damages from which there is no recovery.

CONCLUSION: RED BULL is a drink that should be banned worldwide. Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and other Caribbean countries are alerting other nations, since the mixture of RED BULL with alcohol creates a time bomb for the human body, mainly among adolescents and adults due to ignorance on the matter.

Being a public health issue, PLEASE PASS THIS INFORMATION ON TO ALL YOUR EMAIL CONTACTS, and make copies to show all the people YOU know.

This drink is sold in supermarkets and retail outlets and any of us, our friends or our children may consume IT wanting to prove its ability to energize.... but being attracted by its advertisement can be fatal. After all there slogan is RED BULL GIVES YOU WINGS!!!! I GUESS THAT MEANS YOU DIE AND BECOME ANGELS!!! THINK ABOUT IT. YOUR LIFE AND THAT OF THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU IS IN PERIL. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. PASS THE WORD.


La verdad sobre RED BULL, por favor léelo y pasalola informacion a tus amigos.

Esta bebida se vende en todos los supermercados de nuestro pai¬s. Es de venta libre, esta de moda, cualquiera de nosotros puede consumirla y probarla, aunque solo sea por curiosidad. ... y puede ser mortal.

RED BULL fue creado para estimular el cerebro en personas sometidas a un gran esfuerzo fI¬sico y nunca para ser consumido como una inocente bebida.

se comercializa a nivel mundial con su slogan: 'Aumenta la resistencia fI¬sica, agiliza la capacidad de concentraciOn y la velocidad de reaccion, brinda mas energi¬a y mejora el estado de animo'. (Todo eso se puede encontrar en una latita de: RED BULL, la bebida energizante del milenio (segun sus codiciosos propietarios) .

RED BULL ha logrado llegar a casi 100 pai¬ses de todo el mundo. La marca del Toro Rojo tiene como principales consumidores a jovenes y deportistas, dos segmentos atractivos que han sido cautivados por el estimulo que produce la bebida..


Esta bebida fue creada por Dietrich Mateschitz, un empresario de origen austri¬aco, quien la descubrio en un viaje de negocios a HONG KONG, cuando trabajaba para una empresa fabricante de cepillos de dientes.

El liquido - basado en una formula que contiene cafei¬na y taurina - causaba furor en ese pai¬s; entonces penso en el rotundo exito que esta bebida tendri¬a en Europa, donde todavi¬a no existia este producto, ademas de ver una oportunidad de convertirse en empresario.


En Francia y Dinamarca la acaban de prohibir por ser un
coctel de la muerte, debido a sus componentes de vitaminas mezcladas con GLUCURONOLACTONE.

El GLUCURONOLACTONE es un qui¬mico altamente peligroso, desarrollado por el Departamento de Defensa de los Estados Unidos en los año 60 para estimular la moral de las tropas acantonadas en VIETNAM, el cual actuaba como una droga alucinogena que calmaba el estress de la guerra.

Pero sus efectos en el organismo fueron tan devastadores, que fue descontinuado ante el alto indice de casos de migrañas, tumores cerebrales y enfermedades del hi¬gado que mostraron los soldados que lo consumieron.

Y a pesar de ello, en la lata de RED BULL se lee en sus componentes: GLUCURONALACTONE, catalogado medicamente como un estimulante. Pero lo que NO DICE la lata de RED BULL, son las consecuencias de su consumo, que obligan a colocar una serie de ADVERTENCIAS:

1.. Es peligroso tomarlo si despues no haces ejercicio fi¬sico, ya que su funcion energizante acelera el ritmo cardiaco y te puede ocasionar un INFARTO FULMINANTE.

2. Corres el peligro de sufrir una HEMORRAGIA CEREBRAL, debido a que el RED BULL contiene componentes que diluyen la sangre para que al corazon le cueste menos bombearla, y asi¬ poder hacer un esfuerzo fi-sico con menos agotamiento.

3. Esta prohibido mezclar el RED BULL con alcohol, porque la mezcla convierte la bebida en una 'bomba mortal' que ATACA DIRECTAMENTE EL HIGADO, provocando que la zona afectada no se regenere nunca mas.
4. Uno de los componentes principales del RED BULL es la vitamina B12, utilizada en medicina para recuperar a pacientes que se encuentran en coma etilico (coma producido por consumo de alcohol).

Es por ello que al tomarlo se produce la hipertension y un estado de excitabilidad, como si estuvieras borracho sin haber tomado bebidas alcoholicas.
5. El Consumo regular de RED BULL desencadena la aparicion de una serie de enfermedades nerviosas y neuronales irreversibles (no hay recuperacion) .

CONCLUSION: Es una bebida que deberi¬a prohibirse en el mundo entero. Venezuela, Republica Dominicana, Puerto Rico y otros pai¬ses del Caribe estan alertando a otras naciones, ya que la mezcla de esta bebida con alcohol crea una bomba de tiempo para el cuerpo humano, principalmente entre los adolescentes y adultos ignorantes por su poca experiencia.


Esta bebida se vende en supermercados y comercios del pais y cualquiera de nosotros nuestros amigos, o nuestros hijos la pueden consumir para probarla.... atraidos por la publicidad puede ser MORTAL.

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