16 de octubre de 2009

Arrest made for murder of Corozal teacher

One bit of good news that got lost in the voluminous number of court stories, is that Corozal police have made a major break in the case of Javier Castillo’s murder.

Castillo, a former U.D.P. Councillor and at the time of his death, was teaching at Escuela Mejico, was laid to rest this past Saturday. Late last week police detained the man believed to have committed the bloody homicide and he is expected to be charged with Murder. According to Superintendent Miguel Guzman, the officer in charge of Corozal police, their investigations have yielded a motive and have ruled out robbery.

Via Phone: Supt. Miguel Guzman, O.C., Corozal Police
“The name of the person is Hilberto Hernandez. He is a twenty-six year old laborer of San Narcisio Village. Basically, from the investigation the evidence indicated that Mr. Hernandez was at the residence—we have placed him at the residence—and he has confirmed that he was at the residence. As it is right now we have sufficient evidence that indicates that Mr. Hernandez and Mr. Castillo were together prior to his death.”

Delahnie Bain
“Has a motive been established for this murder?”

Via Phone: Supt. Miguel Guzman
“Yes, we have a motive but at this point in time, I don’t think it’s proper to release any information in regards tot the motive. Definitely we can say it’s not robbery but there may be other things that if I should reveal it might be sort of offensive to the relatives. So I won't disclose that information.”

Delahnie Bain
“When and where was Mr. Hernandez detained?”

Via Phone: Supt. Miguel Guzman
“He was detained right here in Corozal. As a matter of fact, from the inception we had information that they were arguing during the course of the night.”

Castillo was found dead in his home on October third. He had been strangled with a fan wire and his abdomen was slashed.


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