21 de junio de 2010


The crime rate in Belize City has pummeted over the past months and I guess the question in everybodies minds is "What is the Government doing about it?"

Everyday someone´s daughter or son is murdered cold heartedly and it leaves many families torn to shreds because there seems to be no justice forthcoming.

I lost my husband in Chetumal, eight months ago. He was the victim of a vicious execution in our home. Today the justice department of Chetumal is still no closer to solving the case. So, I know exactly how all these Belizeans who are losing their family members feel when they can get no justice.

What has the world come to? Why are we living in such crude, blood thirsty environment? Why has the world suddenly become a place of blood washing the streets, pavements and our hearts?

I think it is time for us to stand up and demand that justice be served. It is time to see a change in Belize.

Mr.Prime Minister, please take time to see what is happening and get the different bodies involved with justice to do their share so that we can re claim this country before we lose it to crime without punishment. lISTEN TO OUR PLEA. DO YOU JOB AND MAKE THIS ONCE MORE THE LAND OF THE FREE.


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