12 de agosto de 2015


Flat bellies don’t necessarily come from cranking out a bajillion crunches. Instead, they come from a commitment to making changes in how you eat and exercise. When you incorporate these flat belly tips into your lifestyle you’ll notice a difference you can see and feel.
Step 1 – Eat Clean.
  • Switch to clean-eating foods. These are foods that are non- or minimally processed, so you benefit from all the nutrition the body needs and wants without added junk that makes the waist thicker.
  • Plan menus. By setting the menu a few days or a week ahead of time you avoid the “I have no idea what’s for dinner” crisis that often leads to packaged meals or unhealthy takeout. 
  • Step 2 – Control Portions.
    • Eat from salad plates. Smaller plate sizes help you better control portions so you’re not as likely to overload.
    • Check recipe portion sizes. Always ensure you’re eating appropriate amounts of food by checking the recipe or learning. Also measure servings, if necessary.
    • Step 3 – Exercise Regularly.
      • Commit to an exercise routine. Regular workouts help you lose weight, plus they act like an investment in your long-term physical well-being. Put exercise time on your schedule—and stick to it.
      • Tone the tummy area. Along with cardiovascular exercise to raise the heart rate and metabolism, choose workouts that target the abs as well. 
    • Flat Belly Tips for Success
      • Stick with your plan. It may take up to 4 weeks for you to notice a difference, while it may take up to 8 weeks for family and friends to notice results.
        • Eat three small meals and two healthy snacks every day. Regular meals and snacks keep unhealthy cravings at bay and prevent overeating at meals.
        • Journal your food intake. Flat belly tips like this one will help you keep tabs on food by letting you track what and how much you’re consuming.
        • Avoid processed or packaged foods by primarily shopping the fresh produce, lean meats, and low-fat dairy typically kept around the store’s perimeter.
        • Drink water to cut back on bloating. It might sound counterintuitive, but water is important for digestion because it helps flush out the system, reducing tummy-expanding bloat. One of the simplest flat belly tips is to drink one full glass of water as soon as you wake up, and then drink H2O regularly throughout the day. 
          • Reward yourself with one treat meal a week. Indulging once a week makes it a little easier to stay on track with a waist-trimming meal plan. Enjoy whatever you like during that meal—just be sure to stick to healthy portion sizes.

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