17 de noviembre de 2015

A RECIPE FOR YOU TODAY - Mexican Style Pork with Zucchini

skillet with Pork and zucchini

Mexican Style Pork with Zucchini

* 2 lb. (950 g.) pork shoulder
* 10 Italian zucchinis, diced
* 1 onion, finely chopped
* 2 large cloves garlic, minced
* 3 whole green chilies, sliced
* 4 red tomatoes, chopped
* Dried Oregano to taste
* Cumin to taste
* 2 tablespoons (15 g.) dry chicken bouillon powder
* salt, to your taste
* 1 cup (175 g.) canned corn kernels


1) Prepare the meat by washing it under tap water, pat dry with paper towels then dice to bite-size pieces, cutting out the fat.

2) In a pan put the small pieces of meat with just enough water to barely cover; add garlic and salt and a sprig of thyme. Cook for 2-3 hours; and when the pork is tender, let it cool down, keeping it in the broth.

3) Add the onion and garlic; add the whole chiles. Stir. Then add the chopped tomatoes, black pepper, oregano and cumin, with chicken bouillon powder and let everything simmer. Check and adjust seasoning.

4) Add diced zucchini, then the canned corn kernels; mix the ingredients and do not close the lid on the pot. When the zucchini are barely cooked, still firm a bit, turn off the heat, finish cooking with just the heat left in the pot. Do not overcook this dish, as the zucchini will start to liquefy and get an unpleasant texture.

Serve with rice and mexican-style beans.

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