13 de marzo de 2017

Meat N Pepper Rings RECIPE FOR TODAY

Image may contain: food

Meat N Pepper Rings

- 2 red and yellow peppers
- 350 g ground beef
1/2 onion
- 1 egg
- 50 g grated Parmesan cheese
- Salt and black pepper

1. Cut the peppers into rings, reserve tips.
2. Cut the onion and the rest of the peppers in small cubes.
3. Mix the meat, vegetables and egg. salt and pepper.
4. Fill the peppers with the seasoned meat.
5. In a non-stick skillet put the peppers on both sides until golden brown.
5. Bake at 180ºC for 30-40 minutes until the meat is cooked.
6. Remove from oven and cover with grated cheese on top and return to the oven until the cheese is golden brown.
7.  Serve.

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