20 de julio de 2017

Tembleque from La Isla del Encanto RECIPE FOR TODAY

Makes 6-8 servings


1 can of 15-ounce coconut cream

2 cups water

2/3 cup cornstarch

1 cinnamon stick

3 little cloves

1 pinch of salt


1. In a bowl, mix well the coconut cream, water and spices with salt.

2. Put this mixture in a saucepan over medium heat and cook constantly stirring until it boils.

3. Remove the spices (cinnamon and cloves).

4. Dilute the cornstarch in a little water and add it to the pot. Continue cooking, stirring constantly, until it boils and thickens.

5. Remove from the heat and pour the mixture into a refractory mold.

6. Once the tembleque/ maja blanca has set, turn it on a tray and sprinkle with cinnamon powder.

7. Cut into cubes and serve.

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