16 de enero de 2009


As the countdown begins for the upcoming town board elections, Hon. Johnny Briceno was in Corozal today canvasing with the PUP hopefuls.

It is anybody's guess what will be the outcome of this year's elections. The voice on the streets of Corozal is saying the PUPs will win but I am not sure. I guess for once I will wait until the last vote is counted becuse while many are crying for change, the UDP Government is pumping money into the streets of Corozal. Some one commented that it was not a very good job but the reality is it is happening and just when things couldn't get worst the streets are in a very bad shape here in Corozal. Then there is the fallen price on the gallon of gasoline at the pumps.

So while some things get worst, some things do get better.

At this time I urge all citizens of Corozal and countrywide who can vote to do so in the upcoming elections. Remember, your vote is the best thing you can give your country.

Have a wonderful weekend.

2 comentarios:

  1. Congratulations, there is an award for you over at my place. Please come on over and pick it up.

    An Arkie's Musings

  2. Hahaha Thank you. I have been trying to get people to think for themselves. I hope I can make a difference.


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