1 de febrero de 2009


As election time comes around, the usualHARD WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT IN POWER IS OBVIOUS. The streets in Corozal are getting a face lift. Some are geting a complete overhaul and others are getting pimped! Either way, for now we accept the dust as we see better roads(which I doubt will last very long , but who am I to criticize.

I would like to send a message to my Town Board at this time. There are lots of speed bumps everywhere and a lot of them do not have any warning signs. Duing the day it is bad enough but at night it can be really bad because that is when you can't see them at all.

So here is my suggestion: paint them a neon colour, so we aren't shocked into tomorrow or put up the signs that warn us from a distance that they are there.

Until next blog, have a good day.

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