30 de noviembre de 2016




Ingredients :( for 24 churros)

1 bowl of water
1 bowl of flour (same size as bowl of water)
1 teaspoon yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
Olive oil (for frying)

We put the water on the stove, when it begins to boil, we remove from the heat and we add the flour mixed with the salt and the yeast.

At first it will look like a "paste" but we keep kneading until it comes off the walls of  the bowl.

Let stand for a couple of minutes to cool down a bit and proceed to refill the churro or cookie presser. If we do not have a churro or cookie presser , we can use a pastry sleeve with a starry nozzle.

On a dry and clean surface we will stretch the mass of the churros and let it warm completely before proceeding to cut it.

We may cut the churros of a size approx. of 12 cms. long or to length of choice.

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the churros in batches. It is not advisable to put many at a time, as it cools the oil a lot and will take longer to brown. I advise that the oil is not excessively hot, as they will brown on the outside very quickly and run the risk of being raw inside.

Once fried, we put on a kitchen paper towel to remove excess fat. Sprinkle with sugar and serve warm.

Both for breakfast and for a snack, the churros combine perfectly with a hot chocolate.

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