30 de noviembre de 2016




Ingredients :( for 24 churros)

1 bowl of water
1 bowl of flour (same size as bowl of water)
1 teaspoon yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt
Olive oil (for frying)

We put the water on the stove, when it begins to boil, we remove from the heat and we add the flour mixed with the salt and the yeast.

At first it will look like a "paste" but we keep kneading until it comes off the walls of  the bowl.

Let stand for a couple of minutes to cool down a bit and proceed to refill the churro or cookie presser. If we do not have a churro or cookie presser , we can use a pastry sleeve with a starry nozzle.

On a dry and clean surface we will stretch the mass of the churros and let it warm completely before proceeding to cut it.

We may cut the churros of a size approx. of 12 cms. long or to length of choice.

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the churros in batches. It is not advisable to put many at a time, as it cools the oil a lot and will take longer to brown. I advise that the oil is not excessively hot, as they will brown on the outside very quickly and run the risk of being raw inside.

Once fried, we put on a kitchen paper towel to remove excess fat. Sprinkle with sugar and serve warm.

Both for breakfast and for a snack, the churros combine perfectly with a hot chocolate.




Ingredientes:( para 24 churros)

1 tazón de agua
1 tazón de harina( mismo tamaño que tazón de agua)
1 cucharadita de levadura en polvo
1/2 cucharadita de sal
aceite de oliva( para freír)

Ponemos el agua al fuego, cuando empiece a hervir, retiramos del calor y añadimos de golpe la harina mezclada con la sal y la levadura.

Al principio parecerá un "engrudo" pero seguimos revolviendo hasta que se desprenda de las paredes ( siempre fuera del fuego).

Dejamos reposar un par de minutos para que se enfríe un poco y procedemos a rellenar la churrera. Si no tenemos churrera, podemos utilizar una manga pastelera con una boquilla estrellada.

Sobre una superficie seca y limpia vamos estirando la masa de los churros y dejamos entibiar totalmente antes de proceder a cortarla.

Cortamos los churros de un tamaño aprox. de 12 cms. de largo, pero como siempre, ésto va en gustos.

Calentamos abundante aceite en una sartén y vamos friendo los churros por tandas. No es aconsejable poner muchos de cada vez, pues enfría mucho el aceite y tardarían más en dorarse. Yo aconsejo que el aceite no esté excesivamente caliente, pues se dorarían por fuera muy rápidamente y corremos el riesgo de que queden crudos por dentro.

Una vez fritos, vamos colocando en un papel de cocina para eliminar el exceso de grasa. Espolvoreamos con azúcar y servimos bien calentitos.

Tanto para el desayuno como para una merienda, los churros combinan a la perfección con un chocolate caliente.

29 de noviembre de 2016


2 Mugs Mole (commercially sold in glass cups)
50 Grams ABUELITA® Table Chocolate
4 tablespoons of chicken consume
500 grams Meat (cooked and shredded pork)
250 grams lard
1 Kilo Tortilla dough
1 Canned Evaporated Milk
10 pieces Banana leaf (cooked and cut into squares)

1.- Prepare the mole as indicated in the packing instructions; Add the ABUELITA® Table Chocolate, 2 tablespoons of meat and the pork.
2. Beat the butter until it is white and fluffy; Add the tortilla dough, Evaporated Milk and the two tablespoons of Chicken and continue to beat until a piece of dough floats in a glass of water.
3 .- Spread a little dough on the banana leaf and, in the center, put a tablespoon of mole. Fold carefully to avoid filling.
4.- Steam cook for 30 minutes on average fire.


2 Tazas Mole (poblano comercial)
50 Gramos Chocolate ABUELITA (Para Mesa)
4 cucharadas de consome de pollo 
500 Gramos Carne (de cerdo cocida y deshebrada)
250 Gramos manteca de cerdo
1 Kilo Masa para tortillas
1 Lata Leche Evaporada CARNATION CLAVEL
10 Piezas Hoja de Plátano (cocidas y cortadas en cuadros)
1.- Prepara el mole como indican las instrucciones del empaque; agrega el Chocolate ABUELITA® Para Mesa, 2 cucharadas de consome y la carne de cerdo.
2.- Bate la manteca hasta que esté blanca y esponjosa; agrega la masa para tortillas, la Leche Evaporada CARNATION® CLAVEL® y las dos cucharadas de consome de Pollo y continúa batiendo hasta que un trocito de masa flote en un vaso con agua.
3.- Unta un poco de masa en la hoja de plátano y, en el centro, pon una cucharada de mole. Dobla cuidadosamente evitando que se salga el relleno.
4.- Cuécelos a baño María por 30 minutos a fuego medio.

28 de noviembre de 2016

Shredded Beef Tamales RECIPE FOR TODAY

Shredded Beef Tamales
2 kilos of beef or beef tenderloin
4 cloves garlic
3 packets of maize leaves for tamal
4 chiles anchos, deveined and seeded
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons wheat flour
1 cup commercial broth
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano
1 teaspoon crushed tree chili
1 teaspoon white vinegar
Salt to taste
3 cups lard
1 tablespoon of salt
9 cups cornmeal

1. Place the meat and 4 cloves of garlic in a large pot. Cover with water and heat over high heat until it boils. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 3.5 hours or until meat is soft enough to easily break it. Remove the meat from the pot, strain the broth and discard the garlic. Reserve 5 broth cups. Finely shred the meat with the help of two forks.
2. Place the corn leaves in a large bowl and cover with warm water. Let soak for 3 hours or until soft and supple. If necessary, place a heavy object on the corn leaves to soak them evenly.
3. Toast the chiles anchos in a frying pan or comal to moderate fire, taking care that they do not burn. Let cool and grind in a molcajete or food processor.
4. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the flour and let it lightly brown. Add 1 cup commercial broth, mixing to thaw the lumps. Add ground chilies, ground cumin, chopped garlic, oregano, shredded chilli and vinegar. Mix everything very well, season with salt to taste and incorporate the shredded meat. Top and cook over low heat for 45 minutes.
5. Place the lard and 1 tablespoon of salt in a large bowl. Beat with electric mixer at high speed until smooth. Add cornmeal and beat at low speed until fully blended. While still beating, add the 5 cups of the broth in which the meat was cooked. Continue beating until smooth and smooth, slightly damp.
6. Drain smoothed corn leaves very well. Place about 2 tablespoons of dough on each corn leaf and add 1 tablespoon of the stew in the center of the dough. Fold the tip of the corn leaf over the landing, then close the sides. If desired, tie the tamale with thin strips of corn leaves, but do not over tighten it.
7. Arrange the tamales standing on the rack of a steamer with sufficient boiling water. Cover and steam until the dough separates easily from the leaf, about 1 hour. Check from time to time

Tamales de Carne de Res Desebrada SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY

Tamales de Carne de Res Desebrada 

2 kilos de diezmillo o lomo de res
4 dientes de ajo
3 paquetes de hojas de maíz para tamal
4 chiles anchos, desvenados y sin semillas
2 cucharadas de aceite vegetal
2 cucharadas de harina de trigo
1 taza de caldo de res comercial
1 cucharadita de semillas de comino
2 dientes de ajo, picados
2 cucharaditas de orégano fresco picado
1 cucharadita de chile de árbol triturado
1 cucharadita de vinagre blanco
Sal al gusto
3 tazas de manteca de cerdo
1 cucharada de sal
9 tazas harina de maíz

1. Coloca la carne y 4 dientes de ajo en una olla grande. Cubre con agua y calienta a fuego alto hasta que suelte el hervor. Reduce el fuego a bajo, tapa y cocina durante 3.5 horas o hasta que la carne quede lo suficientemente suave como para deshebrarla fácilmente. Saca la carne de la olla, cuela el caldo y desecha el ajo. Reserva 5 tazas del caldo. Deshebra finamente la carne con ayuda de dos tenedores.
2. Coloca las hojas de maíz en un recipiente grande y cubre con agua caliente. Deja remojar durante 3 horas o hasta que estén suaves y flexibles. Si es necesario, coloca sobre las hojas de maíz un objeto pesado para que se remojen uniformemente.
3. Tuesta los chiles anchos en un sartén o comal a fuego moderado, cuidando que no se quemen. Deja enfriar y muele en un molcajete o procesador de alimentos.
4. Calienta el aceite en una cacerola grande a fuego medio. Agrega la harina y deja que se dore ligeramente. Añade 1 taza de caldo de res comercial, mezclando para desbaratar los grumos. Agrega los chiles anchos molidos, comino, ajo picado, orégano, chile de árbol triturado y vinagre. Mezcla todo muy bien, sazona con sal al gusto e incorpora la carne deshebrada. Tapa y cocina a fuego bajo durante 45 minutos.
5. Coloca la manteca de cerdo y 1 cucharada de sal en un tazón grande. Bate con la batidora eléctrica a velocidad alta hasta esponjar. Añade la harina de maíz y bate a velocidad baja hasta integrar completamente. Sin dejar de batir, agrega poco a poco las 5 tazas del caldo en que se coció la carne. Sigue batiendo hasta tener una masa suave y tersa, ligeramente húmeda.
6. Escurre muy bien las hojas de maíz suavizadas. Coloca aproximadamente 2 cucharadas de masa en cada hoja de maíz y agrega 1 cucharada del guiso de carne en el centro de la masa. Dobla la punta de la hoja de maíz cubriendo el rellano, luego cierra los lados. Si lo deseas, amarra el tamal con tiritas delgadas de hojas de maíz, pero sin apretarlo demasiado.
7. Acomoda los tamales parados sobre la rejilla de una olla vaporera con suficiente agua hirviendo. Tapa y cuece al vapor hasta que la masa se separe fácilmente de la hoja, aproximadamente 1 hora. Revisa de vez en cuando

27 de noviembre de 2016

Chicken, Pork and Beans Tamales RECIPE FOR TODAY

Chicken, Pork and Beans Tamales

Makes: 35 tamales
1/2 kilo of chicken meat
50 grams of broad chili, deveined
30 grams of mulatto chilies, deveined
1 clove garlic
8 cumin
1/4 kilo of lard
1/2 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 tablespoon of salt
3 cups chicken broth
1/2 kilo of tamales flour
Corn leaves, soaked in hot water and drained

Boil the chicken meat in a saucepan with water and salt until smooth.
Meanwhile, toast the peppers in a bowl over medium heat and stir in hot water until smooth. Blend together with the garlic and cumin.
Heat 1 tablespoon butter in a saucepan over medium heat and pour the sauce above; Fry for a few minutes. Thin the chicken meat and add it to the sauce. Cook for a few minutes.
Beat the remaining butter in a large bowl until it is fluffy. Add the baking powder, salt, chicken broth and flour; Continue beating until all ingredients are incorporated. The dough will be ready when a ball of the same can float from a glass with water.
To make the tamales, put 2 tablespoons of dough and 1 tablespoon of filling in each sheet of tamale. Fold the tamales well and arrange them on the grill of a steamer with boiling water. Cover and cook until the tamale is easily peeled off the sheet, about 1 hour.
The leaves should be soaked in hot water for several hours to make them soft and manageable. Be sure to soak them and drain them in time.
You can use shredded pork instead of chicken.

Tamales de Pollo ,Puerco y Frijoles SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY

Tamales de Pollo ,Puerco y Frijoles 

Rinde: 35 tamales
1/2 kilo de carne de pollo
50 gramos de chile ancho, desvenados
30 gramos de chile mulato, desvenados
1 diente de ajo
8 cominos
1/4 kilo de manteca
1/2 cucharada de polvo para hornear
1/2 cucharada de sal
3 tazas de caldo de pollo
1/2 kilo de harina para tamales
Hojas de maíz, remojadas en agua caliente y escurridas

Hierve la carne de pollo en una olla con agua y sal hasta que esté suave.
Mientras, tuesta los chiles en un comal a fuego medio y remójalos en agua caliente hasta que queden bien suaves. Licúalos junto con el ajo y los cominos.
Calienta 1 cucharada de manteca en una cacerola a fuego medio y vierte la salsa anterior; fríe durante unos minutos. Deshebra la carne de pollo y agrégala a la salsa. Cocina durante unos minutos.
Bate el resto de la manteca en un tazón grande hasta que se esponje. Añade el polvo para hornear, sal, caldo de pollo y harina; sigue batiendo hasta que todos los ingredientes se hayan incorporado. La masa estará lista cuando una una bolita de la misma pueda flotar de un vaso con agua.
Para armar los tamales, pon 2 cucharadas de masa y 1 cucharada de relleno en cada hoja de tamal. Dobla bien los tamales y acomódalos sobr ela parrilla de una olla vaporera con agua hirviendo. Tapa y cuece hasta que el tamal se desprenda fácilmente de la hoja, aproximadamente 1 hora.
Las hojas deben remojarse en agua caliente durante varias horas para que queden suaves y manejables. Asegúrate de remojarlas y escurrirlas con tiempo.
Puedes utilizar carne de cerdo deshebrada en lugar de pollo. yo utileze puerco y frijoles y pollo

26 de noviembre de 2016


Ingredients /
-1 kilo of tortilla dough
-2 liters of water
-500 grams of lard
-40 rectangles of banana leaf 25 cm long by 15 wide, roasted to soften them

-1 hen cut into pieces or can be substituted for chicken
-600 grams of pork leg cut into pieces
-4 roasted garlic cloves
-8 peppers of Castile
-1 teaspoon of achiote in pasta
-1/2 liter of broth
-400 grams of peeled, peeled and diced tomato
-3 leaves of epazote
-Salt to taste

Habanero Chile Sauce
-8 habanero chiles, stripped
-1 Clove roasted garlic
-1/4 cup sour orange juice or 1/8 cup sweet orange and 1/8 cup vinegar
-Salt to taste

Dilute the dough in the water and strain it through a cheesecloth; Let it rest and when the mass has settled on the bottom of the container, drain the water. Heat the butter and strain it over the dough, stir well with the latter and salt to taste. Cool completely. Spread a little dough on each banana leaf, add the filling, fold the leaves into rectangles, tie with a strip of the banana leaves, arrange them lying in a steamer or a tamale pot, and cook for an hour or so. Until they are easily detached from the banana leaf.

Cook the meat with the roasted garlic cloves, salt to taste and water to cover. Grind the achiote with the peppers and broth. Add to the above when you release the boil. Let it boil until the meat is soft and the broth is reduced, then add the tomato and the epazote and salt test. Once the sauce has thickened and the tomato is well cooked, remove from the heat. Crumble the meat and mix with a little sauce.

For the habanero chile sauce
Blend everything until totally blended.


Ingredientes /
-1 kilo de masa fina para tortillas
-2 litros de agua
-500 gramos de manteca de cerdo
-40 rectángulos de hoja de plátano de 25 cm de largo por 15 de ancho, asadas para suavizarlas
-1 gallina cortada en piezas o se puede sustituir por pollo
-600 gramos de pierna de puerco cortada en trozos
-4 dientes de ajo asados
-8 pimientas de Castilla
-1 cucharadita de achiote en pasta
-1/2 litro de caldo
-400 gramos de jitomate pelado, despepitado y picado
-3 hojas de epazote
-Sal al gusto
-Salsa de chile habanero
-8 chiles habaneros, despepitados
-1 diente de ajo asado
-1/4 taza de jugo de naranja agria o 1/8 de taza de naranja dulce y 1/8 de taza de vinagre
-Sal al gusto
Preparación /
Los tamales
Diluye la masa en el agua y cuela a través de una manta de cielo; deja reposar y cuando la masa se haya asentado en el fondo del recipiente, tira el agua. Pon a calentar la manteca y cuela sobre la masa, revuelve muy bien con esta última y con sal al gusto. Deja enfriar completamente. Extiende un poco de masa en cada hoja de plátano, añade el relleno, dobla las hojas formando unos rectángulos, amarra con una tirita de las mismas hojas de plátano, acomódalos acostados en una vaporera o en una tamalera, y deja cocer durante una hora o hasta que se desprendan fácilmente de la hoja de plátano.
El Relleno
Pon a cocer las carnes con los dientes de ajo asados, sal al gusto y agua a cubrir. Muele el achiote con las pimientas y el caldo. Añade a lo anterior cuando suelte el hervor. Deja hervir hasta que las carnes estén suaves y el caldo se haya reducido, añade entonces el jitomate y el epazote y prueba de sal. Una vez que haya espesado la salsa y esté bien cocido el jitomate, retira de la lumbre. Desmenuza las carnes y mezcla con un poco de salsa.
Para la salsa de chile habanero
Licua todo muy bien.

25 de noviembre de 2016

Norteños Tamales RECIPE FOR TODAY

Norteños Tamales

- There are several steps and procedures to follow.
- You can do several things at once.

You will need 2 packets of corn tamales leaves which are washed and soaked in hot water.
(Leave them in the water while preparing the meat, beans and dough)
When they are to be used,  drain them very well.

Ingredients for meat stew:

1 kilo of pork leg
2 tablespoons of Grain Salt
2 Lts. of water
1/2 finely chopped onion
1 teaspoon ground garlic
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon ground pepper.

- The leg of pork is put in the pressure pot to be cooked in the 2 lts. of water adding the onion, garlic, cumin and pepper, for 40 minutes from which the whistle of the valve begins to be heard, and the fire is lowered.
- When the meat is cooked, it is removed from the broth, thinly sliced ​​with fork and knife or with the mixer.
- Fry with 1 large spoon of lard.
- Add 1 cup of the 3 chilli sauce: Ancho, guajillo y de árbol 
Check salt and seasonings to taste.
Sometimes it is necessary to add a little more of these ingredients.
Mix everything well.
- 4 cups of Peruvian or pinto beans, cooked and ground.

For the stewed beans:

- Fry in 1 tablespoon of lard; 1 cup of 3 chilli sauce: Ancho, guajillo y de árbol , with 1 tablespoon garlic, 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin and 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper.
- When the sauce is ready, add the ground beans.
- Cook on low heat for 30 minutes until they are soft, that is refried.

2 kilos of nixtamalizada dough or 1 kilo of maize flour Maseca dough
1/2 kilo of lard
The broth of cooked meat.
2 tablespoons of grain salt
1 teaspoon of baking powder
2 tablespoons ground garlic
1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 cups of the 3 chilli sauce:

Procedure for kneading the dough: Ancho, guajillo y de árbol

- Put the dough in a large bowl.
- Add the salt, baking powder, garlic and cumin.
- They integrate very well all the dry ingredients.
- Add the lard and knead
- Chili sauce is added
- Add the hot broth to incorporate perfectly and knead for 10 to 15 minutes until the dough is removed from the bowl and the hands are clean of dough and oil.
- Let the dough rest for 15 min. before starting to make tamales.

** Note of tradition. A single person must knead the dough.
- If using nixtamalized dough requires less broth to knead.

- Ingredients for the sauce of the 3 chiles: for the dough, the meat and the beans.
10 large or colored chilies
10 chiles guajillos
árbol chilies


- Perfectly clean the seed chilies, remove the stems, boil until soft.
- When cooked the chiles are liquefied with a little clean water.
** Tip: Do not liquefy with the water where they boiled because they are bitter.
- Strain the ground sauce to avoid using skin or seeds.

We now have ready the meat stew, beans, and dough,  and the leaves are soaked.
We proceed to prepare the leaves

Put dough in the center of leave and with a spoon or spatula or tortillera mash to form tortilla

** Tip.- Remember that the leave has the dough on the smooth side, and the rough side is out.
You can make a good amount of  leaves with tortilla shaped dough and then proceed to fill with the meat or beans.

The steamer is then prepared with hot water to the rack
We put a bed of clean corn leaves that we discard at the bottom.

A molcajete is placed in the bottom and we proceed to the accommodation of the tamales around this, as if it were a tipi of Indians; With the open portion of the tamale, facing up.

When you finish putting in all the tamales, cover with another layer of tamal leaves and cover with a wet dryer and a plastic bag and cover.

They are cooked for 2 hours.

Remove 1 tamale, let it cool slightly and taste it.


You can now proceed to enjoy of a rich Mexican tradition.

Makes 70 to 75 tamales of good size.


Tamales Norteños

- Son varios pasos y procedimientos a seguir.
- Se pueden hacer varias cosas a la vez.

Necesitaras 2 paquetes de hojas de maíz para tamales las cuales se lavan y se ponen a remojar en agua caliente.
( dejarlas en el agua mientras se prepara la carne, los frijoles y la masa)
Cuando se vayan a usar para embarrar, se escurren muy bien.

Ingredientes para el guiso de la carne:

1 kilo de pierna de puerco
2 cucharadas de Sal de grano
2 Lts. de agua
1/2 cebolla picadita fina
1 cucharadita de ajo molido
1/2 cucharadita de comino molido
1/4 cucharadita de pimienta molida.

- La pierna de puerco se pone en la olla express a que se cueza en los 2 lts. de agua agregándole la cebolla, ajo, comino y pimienta, por espacio de 40 minutos a partir que empieza a escucharse el silbido de la válvula, y bajar el fuego.
- Cuando ya este cocinada la carne, se saca del caldo, se deshebra finamente con tenedor y cuchillo o con la batidora.
- Se pone a freír con 1 cuchara grande de manteca de puerco.
- Se le agrega 1 taza de la salsa de los 3 chiles: Ancho, guajillo y de árbol
Se checa sal y condimentos al gusto.
A veces es necesario agregarle un poco mas de estos ingredientes.
Se integra muy bien todo.
- 4 tazas de frijoles peruanos o pintos, cocidos y molidos.

Para el guiso de los frijoles:

- Se fríe en 1 cucharada grande de manteca de puerco; 1 taza de la salsa de los 3 chiles: Ancho, guajillo y de árbol, con 1 cuchara de ajo molido, 1/2 cuchara de comino molido y 1/4 cuchara de pimienta molida.
- Cuando ya esté la salsa lista, se agregan los frijoles molidos.
- Se cocinan a fuego bajito por espacio de 30 minutos hasta que queden chinitos, es decir refritos.

2 kilos de masa nixtamalizada o 1 kilo de harina de maíz Maseca
1/2 kilo de manteca de puerco
El caldo de la carne caliente.
2 cucharas de sal de grano
1 cucharadita de rexal
2 cucharas de ajo molido
1 cuchara de comino molido
2 tazas de la salsa de los 3 chiles: Ancho, guajillo y árbol

Procedimiento para amasar la masa:

- Se pone la maseca en un tazón grande.
- Se agrega la sal, rexal, ajo y comino.
- Se integran muy bien todos los ingredientes secos.
- Se agrega la manteca de puerco y se amasa
- Se agrega la salsa de los chiles
- Se le agrega el caldo caliente para incorporar perfectamente y se amasa por espacio de 10 a 15 minutos a que la masa se despegue del tazón y las manos se vean limpias de masa y brillantes de manteca.
- Se deja reposar la masa por 15 min. antes de empezar a embarrar.
**Nota de la tradición. Una sola persona debe amasar la masa...
- Si se utiliza masa nixtamalizada se requiere menos caldo para amasar.

- Ingredientes para la salsa de los 3 chiles: para la masa, la carne y los frijoles.
10 chiles anchos o de color
10 chiles guajillos
5 chiles de árbol


- Se limpian perfectamente los chiles de semillas, se le quita el tallito, se ponen a hervir hasta que estén suaves.
- Cuando estén cocidos los chiles se licuan con un poco de agua limpia.
**Tip: No licuar con el agua donde hirvieron porque se amargan.
- Se cuela la salsa molida para evitar que lleve pellejitos o semillas.

Ya tenemos listos los guisos de carne, frijoles, y la masa, las hojas remojada.
Procedemos a embarrar las hojas
Se pone un testal en el centro de la hoja y con una cuchara o espátula o tortillera se embarra
** Tip.- Recuerden que se embarra la hoja por la parte lisa, el lado áspero queda hacia afuera.
Se pueden hacer una buena cantidad de hojas embarradas de masa y luego proceder a rellenar con la carne o frijoles.
En seguida se prepara la vaporera con agua caliente hasta la rejilla
Se pone una cama de hojas de maíz limpias de las que desechamos.
Se pone un molcajete en el fondo y procedemos al acomodo de los tamales alrededor de este, como si fuera un tipi de indios; con la parte abierta del tamal, hacia arriba.
Cuando se termina de poner todos los tamales, se cubre con otra capa de hojas de tamal y se cubre con un secador húmedo y una bolsa de plástico y se tapa.
Se ponen a cocer por espacio de 2 horas.
Se saca 1 tamal, se deja enfriar un poco y se prueba.
Listo!! A degustar de una rica tradición Mexicana.


Salen de 70 a 75 tamales de buen tamaño.

24 de noviembre de 2016


1 kilo of maseca - corn dough
1/2 liter of oil.
4 ears, or a large can of corn
7 grated carrots
7 grated pumpkins
Leaves of corn - 3 Packages
3 handful of spinach
Poultry broth or purified natural water
salt to taste
600 grs of chihuahua cheese
Hot Sauce  (as peppery you like but thick so it does not drip from the tamale).

Mix corn dough, chicken broth, chopped spinach, grated carrot, grated squash, precooked corn kernel, and 1/2 litro of oil.

Make the dough look more vegetable than corn dough.

Put a couple of tablespoons of well-dough dough on the sheet and half open the center, you put in a slice of cheese and add the sauce, and you close it so that one piece the tamale side is open

Cook for an hour
Served with beans if you like.



1 kilo de maseca
1/2 litro de aceite.
4 elotes desgranados, o una lata grande.
7 zanahorias ralladas
7 calabazas ralladas
hojas de elote 3 Paquetes
3 mazos de espinacas o de alcelgas lo que gustes
si tienes caldo de pollo guardado amasas con el, o agua natural purificada
sal algusto
600 grs de queso chihuahua
salsa especita.-.(enchilosa como gustes pero espesa para que no se salga del tamal.)

Se bate la maseca, caldo de pollo,la espinaca (o acelga) picada, la zanahoria rallada, la calabaza rallada, el elotito precocido con anterioridad, y 1/2 ltro de aceite de preferencia capullo o nutrioli, que la masa se vea más verdura que todo..
Se pone unas dos cucharadas soperas de masa bien copeteadas en la hoja y le medio abres el centro , metes en una rebanada de queso y le echas la salsa, y lo cierras que salga de una sola pieza el tamal.

Se cocen en una hora
Sirve acompañado de frijol.

23 de noviembre de 2016

Egg & Bacon Mini Casseroles RECIPE FOR TODAY

Egg & Bacon Mini Casseroles
1 (10-ounce or 280-gram) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed
4 slices (35 grams per slice) 100% whole-wheat bread, cubed
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup (110 grams) shredded cheddar cheese
3 green onion stalks (35 grams), chopped
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
Black pepper, to taste
4 slices (110 grams) cooked bacon, chopped
5 large (50 grams each) eggs
1 1/4 cups (305 grams) low-fat milk
Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C). Spray one 12-well muffin tin (or two 6-well muffin tins) with cooking oil spray, and set aside.
Put thawed spinach into a mesh strainer, and squeeze out as much excess water as possible. Set spinach aside.
In a large mixing bowl, coat cubed bread with olive oil. Add spinach, cheese, green onions, garlic powder, salt, pepper and bacon. Toss the bread mixture until well combined. Divide the mixture evenly among the 12 muffin-tin wells.
In the same bowl, beat the eggs and stir in the milk. Pour the mixture over the bread in the muffin tin, trying your best to evenly divide the egg-and-milk mixture into each muffin well.
Bake the casseroles for 30–40 minutes, or until the bread on top is golden and crispy and the centers are set. Test by poking a skewer into one of the casseroles, and see if it comes out clean.
Allow casseroles to cool before serving.
Nutrition Information
Serves: 6 | Serving Size: 2 mini casseroles (70 grams each)
Per serving: Calories: 300; Total Fat: 20g; Saturated Fat: 7g; Monounsaturated Fat: 8g; Cholesterol: 206mg; Sodium: 538mg; Carbohydrate: 14g; Dietary Fiber: 2g; Sugar: 4g; Protein: 17g
Nutrition Bonus: Potassium: 369mg; Iron: 11%; Vitamin A: 123%; Vitamin C: 22%; Calcium: 32%

Ham & Asparagus Mini-Quiches RECIPE FOR TODAY

Ham & Asparagus Mini-Quiches
1 cup all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons butter, diced
4–6 tablespoons ice water
6 large eggs
1/2 cup part-skim ricotta cheese
1/2 cup chopped ham
1/2 cup chopped asparagus
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 350°F.
Coat a 12-count muffin pan with cooking spray, and set aside.
In a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, combine the flour and butter until the butter breaks down into small pieces. (Alternately, use a pastry cutter or two forks.)
When the butter is completely combined, add one tablespoon water at a time while the mixer runs (or while stirring with a fork) until a smooth dough forms.
Lightly press the dough into each cup of the muffin pan and up the sides.
In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs and ricotta until smooth. Set aside.
Add the chopped ham, asparagus and cheese to the muffin tins, and pour egg mixture over until 3/4 full.
Bake for 20 minutes. Serve immediately.
To reheat, bake at 300°F for 15 minutes.
Nutrition Information
Serves: 6 | Serving Size: 2 quiche cups
Per serving: Calories: 250; Total Fat: 13g; Saturated Fat: 6g; Monounsaturated Fat: 3g; Cholesterol: 215mg; Sodium: 179mg; Carbohydrate: 19g; Dietary Fiber: 1g; Sugar: 1g; Protein: 15g
Nutrition Bonus: Potassium: 141mg; Iron: 13%; Vitamin A: 13%; Vitamin C: 1%; Calcium: 16%

Not So Naughty Eggnog RECIPE FOR TODAY

Not So Naughty Eggnog
3 1/2 cups 1% milk
1/3 cup fat-free sweetened condensed milk
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 large egg yolks
1/4 cup bourbon (optional)
2 tablespoons brandy (optional)
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Ground cinnamon (for garnish)

1. Combine milk, condensed milk, flour, nutmeg and salt in a medium saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly with a whisk.
2. Place egg yolks in a medium bowl. While whisking, slowly pour 1 1/2 cups of hot milk mixture into egg yolks. Then, add all of the yolk mixture back to remaining hot milk while stirring with a whisk. Cook over medium heat until slightly thickened, about 1-2 minutes.
3. Pour into a pitcher. Stir in vanilla, and if adding alcohol, bourbon and brandy.
4. Cover and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, at least 4 hours though overnight is best. Garnish with additional nutmeg or cinnamon before serving.
Note: Nutrition information includes bourbon & brandy!

Sausage Egg Nests RECIPE FOR TODAY

Sausage Egg Nests
Serves: 6
Serving Size: 2 Sausage Egg Nests
2 medium Russet potatoes (to provide 3 cups shredded, cooked potato)
2 Sweet Chicken Italian Sausages
2 slices of bacon
1/2 medium yellow onion, finely chopped
3 cups potato, cooked
6 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese, divided
1/3 cup green onion, sliced + extra for garnish
1 teaspoon canola oil or canola oil spray
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper

Preheat oven to 425°F and bake potatoes for 25-30 minutes, until halfway baked. Note: Potatoes must not be fully cooked before shredding, otherwise they will fall apart when shredded. When poked with a knife, potatoes should still be somewhat firm in the middle. Let cool. Grate until you have 3 cups of shredded potato and set aside. This step can be done a day ahead of time. Just store potatoes, covered, in the refrigerator.
Next, cook the bacon until crispy. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate and dice once cool. Drain off the bacon fat and sauté the yellow onion in the same hot pan for 3-5 minutes. Combine onion, ground pepper and salt to the potatoes. Toss until combined.
Decrease oven temperature to 400F.
Lightly rub or spray a 12-cup muffin tin with canola oil and press a generous ¼ cup of the potato mixture into each cup, distributing potatoes around the bottom and up the sides. The potatoes will shrink, thus a little overflow is okay. Apply a very light brushing of oil or spray of oil over the potatoes and bake for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown on the edges.
Meanwhile, cook sausage in a skillet over medium-high heat until browned. Add green onions, cook for an additional 1-2 minutes and remove from heat.
Lightly beat eggs, add sausage, green onions and ¼ cup cheddar cheese.
Allow potato cups to cool for a few minutes and then add 3 tablespoons of egg mixture to each until hash brown nests are nearly full. Sprinkle tops with remaining cheddar cheese, about 1 teaspoon per nest, and place back into oven for 15-20 minutes, until set.
Garnish with bacon and finely chopped green onions if you have extra. Once slightly cooled, remove egg cups from tins using a fork and a spoon.


These fritters are unbelievably easy to make, low calorie, and the perfect way to sneak in some veggies!
1 1/2 pounds zucchini, grated
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 large egg, beaten
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2 tablespoons olive oil
Place grated zucchini in a colander over the sink. Add salt and gently toss to combine; let sit for 10 minutes. Using a clean dish towel or cheese cloth, drain zucchini completely.
In a large bowl, combine zucchini, flour, Parmesan, garlic and egg; season with salt and pepper, to taste.
Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Scoop tablespoons of batter for each fritter, flattening with a spatula, and cook until the underside is nicely golden brown, about 2 minutes. Flip and cook on the other side, about 1-2 minutes longer.
Serve immediately.
Adapted from Five Heart Home.

Belizean Coconut Trifle RECIPE FOR TODAY

Imagen relacionada
Belizean Coconut Trifle
1/4 lb. butter
1 lb. white sugar
1 coconut grated
1 lb flour
2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
4 eggs beaten
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 small tin evaporated milk
Pineapple essence ( or other flavouring of choice)

1.Mix together butter, sugar and egg.
2. Take out a small portion of the grated coconut and add a little warm water and squeeze to get coconut milk
3. Add coconut milk and coconut trash to Remaining grated coconut then add to the butter mixture. Stir and add a little water.
4.Add flour, baking powder , nutmeg (ground) , pineapple essence ( or otger flavouring) and evaporated milk.
5. Bake at 350 degrees for about 20-30 minutes .

Sweet Potato Pound (Pone) RECIPE FOR TODAY

Resultado de imagen para Belizean Sweet Potato Pound
Sweet Potato Pound (Pone)
3 lb sweet potatoes
1/4 cup butter
1 1/4 lb sugar
2 (14oz) can coconut milk
1 (14oz) can evap. milk
1 tbsp vanilla
1/4 cup raisins
2 tbsp grated ginger

1.Grate sweet potatoes.
2.Add sugar and coconut milk.
Stir until sugar dissolves, then add evap. milk, butter,
vanilla and raisins.
3.Stir until properly mixed and pour into a
baking pan 9 x 11 inches. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 - 60 minutes.
Photo:Ka'Ana Resort .Belize
Makes 10-12 servings.


1 lb. elbow macaroni
1 can (12 fl oz.)-evaporated milk
1 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 cup (4 tbsp.) butter
1 lb. assorted cheese (sharp, cheddar, Velveeta, Parmesan)

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Bring medium sized pan of water to boil.
2. Add elbow macaroni. Cook macaroni until tender.
3. Meanwhile, cut up cheese into thin slices or small cubes.
4.Drain water and pour macaroni into a casserole dish.
5. Add butter, salt, pepper, milk, and cheese. Stir together.
Bake for about 20-30 minutes. Stir occasionally. If it gets dry you may add a little more milk.
Serves about 6-8.
Hint: For crispy top sprinkle with grated parmesean or shredded cheese and put in oven on broil for about 10-15 min, or till golden brown.

Pico de Gallo – Belizean Style RECIPE FOR TODAY

Pico de Gallo – Belizean Style
2 limes, juiced
3 ripe tomatoes, diced
1 medium red onion, minced
1 carrot, minced
1 cucumber, diced
1 habanero, deseeded and minced (omit if you can’t handle spicy food)
A handful of fresh cilantro, minced
Add salt and pepper to taste

Chop up all the vegetables, combine in a bowl, add the lime juice and let it marinate for a few minutes.
Now grab some corn tortilla chips and enjoy

Tamales of Sliced Peppers with Cheese and Green Sauce RECIPE FOR TODAY

Tamales of Sliced Peppers with Cheese and Green Sauce

1.-2 Kg Flour for Tamales
2.-Corn Leaves
3.-1 L Chicken Broth
4.-800g approx. Pork Lard
6.-2 Tablespoons Baking Powder
7.-Green Tomatoes and Green Chilies
8.-1 Shredded chicken breast
9.-Chiles Cuaresmeños (partied in slices)
10.-5 Tomatoes (chopped)
11.-2 Onions (1 of them cut in slices)
12.- Oil
13.-Oaxaca cheese

1.-Wash and soak the tamale leaves in cold water
2.-Bring the peppers to boil in water together with the tomatoes. Blend together with water, an onion and a clove of garlic
3.-Season the tomatoes and onions in a frying pan with little oil and salt, cover and lower the flame to season
4.-In a container add 800g approx. off pork lard, beat until creamy
5.-Add a portion of the flour and mix. Integrate the flour little by little
6. Add the two tablespoons of baking powder and beat
7.-Divide the mixture to enhance sweet tamales
8. Add salt and chicken broth (about 1/2 cup cold), BEAT
9.-In a cup with water add a little of the mixture, if the mixture floats, it means that the mixture is already ready
10.-For sliced ​​cheese tamales: Open the leaf and place a portion of the mixture in the center, place the tomato that has been seasoned along with the onion, add 1 or 2 slices and the cheese. Close the sheet
11.-For the green sauce tamales: April the leaf and place a portion of the mixture in the center, add the green sauce, put the chicken strings and close
12.-In a steamer place enough water and place sheets of tamale as bed
13.-Arrange the tamales to stand upright and cover them with a kitchen towel, leave them to cook for 1 hour
14.-Check the tamales to see that they have been well cooked and turn off the stove

Tamales de Raja con Queso y Salsa Verde SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY

Tamales de Raja con Queso y Salsa Verde

1.-2 Kg de Harina para Tamales
2.-Hojas de maíz
3.-1 L de caldo de Pollo
4.-800g aproximadamente de Manteca de cerdo
6.-2 Cucharadas de Royal
7.-Tomates verdes y Chiles verdes
8.-1 Pechuga de pollo deshebrada
9.-Chiles Cuaresmeños (partidos en rajas)
10.-5 Jitomates (picados)
11.-2 Cebollas (1 de ellas cortada en rodajas)
12.- Aceite
13.-Queso Oaxaca

1.-Lavar y remojar las hojas de tamal en agua fría
2.-Poner a hervir en agua los chiles junto con los tomates. Licuarlos junto con agua, una cebolla y un diente de ajo
3.-Sazonar los jitomates y las cebollas en un sartén con poco aceite y sal, cubrir y bajar la flama para que se sazone
4.-En un recipiente agregar 800g aprox. de la manteca, batir hasta que quede cremosa
5.-Adicionar una porción de la harina y mezclar. Integrar la harina poco a poco
6.-Adicionar las dos cucharadas de royal y batir
7.-Dividir la mezcla para realzar tamales de dulce
8.-Adicionar sal y el caldo de pollo (frío aproximadamente 1 taza 1/2) , BATIR
9.-En una taza con agua agregar un poco de la mezcla, si la mezcla flota, quiere decir que la mezcla ya está lista
10.-Para los tamales de rajas con queso: Abrir la hoja y colocar una porción de la mezcla al centro, colocarle jitomate del que se sazonó junto con la cebolla, adicionar 1 o 2 rajas y el queso. Cerrar la hoja
11.-Para los tamales de salsa verde: Abril la hoja y colocar una porción de la mezcla al centro, agregar la salsa verde, poner las hebras de pollo y cerrar
12.-En una vaporera colocar suficiente agua y colocar hojas de tamal como cama
13.-Acomodar los tamales y cubrirlos con una toallita de cocina, dejarlos a fugo durante 1 hora
14.-Revisar los tamales para ver que hayan quedado bien y apagarle a la olla

22 de noviembre de 2016


Shrimp Ceviche - BELIZEAN STYLE
1lb. of raw (uncooked) cleaned shrimp
2 cups diced ripe tomatoes
1 large onion diced
1 bunch cilantro chopped
1 habanero pepper minced
5 lemon ( lime) squeezed/ juiced
1 tsp salt (or to taste)
Rinse your shrimp under cool water. .
In Belize we rarely eat raw meats of any kind. Ceviche is an exception.
You may cook your shrimp, if you do we recommend a flash boiling technique. Boil some water, and dump in the shrimp for 3-5 minutes, the second they turn pink pour out the water in strainer.
After the shrimp is cooked chop it up into small pieces.
Once the shrimp is prepared you will essentially make a salsa with the other ingredients. Chop the tomatoes and onions into nice quarter inch chunks. Add pepper, lime juice and salt to taste. Chop up cilantro very fine.
Add the shrimp!
If you opted for raw shrimp let it soak in the lime juice for 20-30 minutes so that is can “cook” in the acidity of the lime juice.
Serve with fried corn tortilla chips


Corn Bread
1 cup flour
1 cup cornmeal
1/4 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup plain nonfat yogurt
2 eggs, beaten

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Lightly grease an 8x8 inch baking pan.
In a large bowl, mix flour, cornmeal, sugar, soda and salt. Stir in yogurt and eggs. Do not over mix, stir only until well blended. Pour batter into prepared pan.
Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until center of the bread springs back when gently pressed.

Belizean Thanksgiving and Christmas Ham RECIPE FOR TODAY

Belizean Thanksgiving and Christmas Ham
Ingredients / Ingredientes
For Glaze:
1 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 tsp Grace Soy Sauce
1 tsp Grace Yellow Mustard
1 tbsp Grace White Vinegar
1/4 cup Honey
For Ham:
1 Ham of desired size Cloves 1/4 cup Grace Yellow Mustard
Preparation / Preparación
Glaze Preparation:Mix all ingredients Ham preparation: Place ham fat side up in roasting pan. Spread Grace Yellow Mustard over surface of ham. Roast (covered with foil) approximately 13-17 minutes per pound. Remove ham 20 minutes before finishing. Remove any skin. Cut ham's fat surface in uniform diamond shapes and insert cloves in each diamond. Brush on glaze. Bake 10 minutes (uncovered). Reapply glaze and cook for another 10-20 minutes or until glaze brown. Ham should be 135 degrees in center to ensure that cooking is complete.
Recipe by Grace Kennedy Belize Ltd

Belizean Style Roasted Turkey RECIPE FOR TODAY

Turkey Dinner
Belizean Style Roasted Turkey
1 (12 pound) turkey
• 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, sliced
• 1/2 cup vegetable oil
• 4 cloves large garlic, crushed
• 1 teaspoon ground allspice
• 1 teaspoon seasoned salt
• 1 teaspoon seasoned all
• 1 teaspoon cumin
• 1 teaspoon black pepper
• 1 lime


2-3 lbs ground bread
• 1 stick melted margarine
• 2 stalks celery (chopped finely)
• 1 ½ onion (chopped)
• 1 sm sweet pepper
• ¾ tsp salt
• 1 tsp thyme (dried)
• ½ cup chicken stock
• ½ stp black pepper



Place onion, sweet pepper, celery, thyme, and margarine in a pot until onions are caramelized.
Slowly add bread crumbs and mix well.
Add chicken stock to mixture until desired consistency is achieved.
Let cook for five minutes on low, stirring regularly so mixture does not stick.


Preheat oven 350°F.
Clean and rinse out turkey cavity and pat dry. Place turkey in a roasting pan. Carefully lift skin over breasts, thighs and drumsticks and insert butter. Rub oil and crushed garlic cloves over turkey.  In a bowl add the seasonings (salt, pepper, seasoned all, cumin and all spice) and lime then sprinkle on the turkey.   Before tying or skewering the  legs together to hold shape during cooking stuff the turkey with the stuffings. Cover with aluminium foil.
Bake for 4 hours, or about 20 minutes per pound. Meat thermometer should read 180°F. when inserted into the thickest portion of the breast away from the bone. Remove foil during last 30 minutes of cooking; baste with pan juices for more flavour.
In true Belizean fashion serve with rice and beans, potato salad and your favourite pepper sauce.

Easy Homemade Turkey Gravy RECIPE FOR TODAY

Imagen relacionada
Easy Homemade Turkey Gravy
( Serves 5 )
1⁄2 cup butter
1⁄2 cup all-purpose flour
3 tbsp all-purpose flour
1⁄2 tsp black pepper, (more is better, I use freshly ground pepper)
4 cup pan drippings, (or see options below the recipe)
Drain the pan drippings for the roasted turkey through a fine strainer.
Let sit and then remove any fat from the top of the drippings.
Add in chicken broth or water to make 4 cups if necessary.
In a medium saucepan, melt margarine or butter.
Add in lots of black pepper.
Add in 1/2 cup flour plus 3 tablespoons; constantly whisk for about 3 minutes over low heat.
Slowly add in the 4 cups turkey broth/drippings; whisk constantly over medium-low heat until bubbly and thickened (about 3 minutes).
Use right away or keep warm over lowest heat setting, whisk again before serving.
**OPTIONS** to make this gravy using all chicken broth prepare as directed using 4 cups low sodium chicken broth and 1 tablespoon chicken boullion powder ---- or you may add in low sodium chicken broth omitting bouillon powder to pan drippings to make up 4 cups.



1 kilo of cornmeal (maseca)
300 g, of lard
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon of baking soda
4 cooked chilies, skinless
750 g ,. Of pork leg cooked and shredded
salt to taste
Broth from where the meat was cooked
1/2 kilo of red tomato
1/2 kilo finely chopped onion
Chopped olives as needed
1 clove garlic
1 dash of cumin
4 whole peppers
3 cloves
Jalapeno peppers in slices to taste
1 can of peas
4 carrots, peeled and cut in julienne
4 potatoes, peeled and cut into julienne
1 tbs of chicken consume (Swiss knorr)
Oil as necessary
Tamale leaves

Blend the cloves, peppers, garlic, cumin and chiles, with their cooking water, strain and set aside.

In the hot oil stir the onion and add the tomato when onion is well cooked.

Add the meat, a little liquefied chile, olives and chilies in jalapeno slices, let it season very well and finally add the carrot and the potatoes and leave to boil a little, just to finish cooking inside the tamale.

Make a tortilla with the dough, fill with the meat mixture, and close the tortilla and fold it in a plaintain leaf, tie them to keep the tops upright and leaf closed and steam it for an hour.

In a saucepan, add the corn flour, baking powder and baking soda, add the butter and mix until it forms a dough.

Add the broth of the meat, the chile pepper that you reserved and knead to give it consistency.

Note: the broth of the meat must be well seasoned so that the dough does not remain tasteless.

The meat is cooked with salt, onion and a clove of garlic.



1 kilo de harina de maíz (maseca)
300 g, de manteca de puerco
1 cuch. de royal (polvo para hornear)
1 cuch. de carbonato
4 chiles anchos cocidos y sin piel
750 g,. de carne de pierna de puerco cocida y deshebrada
sal al gusto
caldo el necesario donde se coció la carne
1/2 kilo de jitomate rojo
1/2 kilo de cebolla picada finamente
aceitunas picadas las necesarias
1 diente de ajo
1 pisca de comino
4 pimientas enteras
3 clavos de olor
chiles jalapeños en rajas al gusto
1 lata de chicharos
4 zanahorias,peladas y cortadas en juliana
4 papas,peladas y cortadas en juliana
1 cda de consome de pollo (knorr suiza)
aceite el necesario
hojas de tamal las necesarias

Licuar los clavos de olor, pimientas ,ajo, comino y los chiles, con su agua de cocimiento, cuele y dejarlos pendientes, en el aceite caliente acitrone la cebolla añada el tomate cuando este bien cocido y desbaratado. añada la carne, un poco de chile licuado, aceitunas y chiles en rajas jalapeños, deje sazonar muy bien y al final añada la zanahoria, las papas dejando que den un hervor, solamente para que se termine de cocer dentro del tamal, forme una tortilla con la masa, rellene con el picadillo, y cierre la tortilla y póngala sobre una hoja de tamal, amarrelos en las puntas y cuézalo a vapor por una hora.

En una cacerola ponga la harina de maíz, royal y carbonato, añada la manteca hasta que se ponga arenosita y este bien impregnada de esta, añada el caldo de la carne, el chile que reservo y amase para darle consistencia.
Nota: el caldo de la carne debe de estar bien sazonado para que no quede insípida la masa.

La carne la cocemos con sal, cebolla y un diente de ajo.

21 de noviembre de 2016


Resultado de imagen para BRAZILIAN FLAN

1 cup sugar
2 cans (28 oz) sweetened condensed milk
10 oz. milk
2 eggs + 1 yolk

Put the sugar in a pudding pan and melt it over low heat until it has a caramel color.
Mix condensed milk, milk, eggs and yolk in a blender.
Pass the blender mixture into the pudding pan through a sieve.
Bake in a water bath at the oven at 350 Fº for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Let rest in the fridge overnight.
To unmold, warm for one minute before turning it over on a plate.

Simple Roasted Chicken RECIPE FOR TODAY

Simple Roast Chicken | The Suburban Soapbox #ALDI #BacktoSchool
Simple Roasted Chicken
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour, 25 minutes
Yield: 4-6 servings
1 5-6 pound roasting Kirkwood Whole Chicken
1/4 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup Carlini Pure Olive Oil
1 tablespoon Stonemill Essentials Black Pepper Grinder
1 tablespoon lemon zest
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
1 lemon, cut in quarters
1 head of garlic cut in half horizontally
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Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
In a small bowl, mix together the salt, pepper, lemon zest and thyme until well blended. Using your clean hands, carefully separate the skin from the meat on the chicken breast. Spread the salt mixture over the meat. Stuff the lemon and garlic in the cavity of the chicken. Tuck the wings of the chicken under the breast and tie the legs together with kitchen twine.
Place the chicken in a medium sized roasting pan and roast for approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes or until the juices run clear.
Cover the chicken with foil and allow to rest for 10 minutes before carving.