Lasaña de Pollo en Salsa Blanca
1kg pollo deshuesado puede ser pechuga
500 gr de Pasta para Lasaña
1 taza de Crema de leche
100 gr de Queso parmesano
100 gr de Queso mozzarela
300 gr de Champiñón
200 ml de Caldo de pollo
200 ml de Aceite
100 Gramos de Cebolla roja
2 Dientes de Ajo
1 Pizca de Sal
1 Pizca de Pimienta
Lo primero que vamos a hacer para elaborar nuestra lasaña casera es cocinar las pechugas en agua con el ajo macerado. Una vez cocinadas, trocéalas. Precalienta el horno a 250ºC.
Luego, ponemos a cocer las láminas de pasta para la lasaña con agua, sal y un chorrito de aceite. Debes dejarlas hasta que la pasta esté al dente, puede llevarte entre 10 y 15 minuto
Para continuar con el relleno de nuestra lasaña de pollo, picamos finamente la cebolla roja, luego al aceite, a fuego lento.
Cuando estén a punto agregamos un poco de caldo de pollo para ir formando una salsa. Luego, añadimos la salsa crema de leche y sazonamos puede ser con ajo en polvo sal y pimienta y revolvemos la mezcla constantemente para que tome consistencia. Todo esto sin retirar la sartén del fuego ni apagarlo. Cuando la salsa esté hirviendo, añade el pollo desmenuzado.
En una sartén aparte cortamos en láminas los champiñones y los sofreímos en aceite bien caliente.
Para montar la lasaña, engrasamos con mantequilla una placa de horno y colocamos una capa de pasta de lasaña ya cocida.
Seguidamente agregamos una capa de salsa, una de champiñones, una de queso mozzarella y otra de pasta. Luego, vuelve a empezar con la salsa, los champiñones, el queso y la pasta hasta llenar toda la placa.
Para que nuestra lasaña de pollo quede perfecta la última capa ha de ser de salsa, champiñones y queso.
Por último, agrega el queso parmesano por encima y hornea la lasaña durante 20 minutos aproximadamente, hasta que el queso se dore. Esta lasaña es ideal para acompañarla con una ensalada verde sencilla o una deliciosa ensalada de espinacas y fresas, consulta nuestra receta y sorprende a tus invitados.
30 de septiembre de 2016
Lasaña de Pollo en Salsa Blanca - A SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY
Lasaña Cremosa de Pollo - A SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY
Lasaña Cremosa de Pollo
2 tazas de pechugas de pollo deshebradas
225 gr de queso mozzarella
1/2 taza de queso parmesano rallado
1/2 taza de tomates secos
340 gr de queso crema
1 taza de leche
1/2 cucharadita de ajo en polvo
1/4 taza bien compacta de albahaca fresca, picada
12 láminas de pasta para lasaña, cocidas
Calienta el horno a 350ºF 180°C.
Mezcla el pollo, 1 taza de mozzarella, el parmesano y los tomates.
Bate bien el queso crema, la leche, el ajo en polvo con una batidora; incorpora 2 cdas. de albahaca. Reserva la mitad de la mezcla; el resto, mézclalo con la mezcla de pollo.
Esparce la mitad de la mezcla de queso crema restante sobre el fondo de una fuente para hornear de 30 cm pon encima 3 láminas de lasaña y 1/3 de la mezcla de pollo. Repite 2 veces las capas de lasaña y mezcla de pollo. Cubre esto con las láminas de pasta, la mezcla de queso crema y el mozzarella restantes; tapa la lasaña.
Hornéala durante 25 min. o hasta que esté completamente caliente. Espolvoréala con la albahaca restante. Déjala reposar 5 min. antes de cortarla para servir.
29 de septiembre de 2016
Avocados Stuffed Chicken Salad RECIPE FOR TODAY
Avocados Stuffed Chicken Salad
3 Avocados
350 gr. chicken breast
1 potato, chopped into cubes
1 carrot, chopped into cubes
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon parsley
1 lemon
1 apple, chopped into cubes
12 black olives
1 can of asparagus tip
Salt and pepper to taste
6 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
Wash the chicken breast, and put to cook in salted water over low heat for 20 minutes.
Add, potatoes and carrots, and cook for another 20 minutes.
Drain well and put all the vegetables in a bowl.
Dice chicken breast and set aside.
Cut the avocados in half and remove the stone carefully.
Scoop out a bit of the avocado to make a better size hole to place chicken salad in.
Mash the bit of avocado you scooped out and add to diced chicken, seasonings and vegetables.
Sprinkle the avocado with lemon juice, and fill with chicken and vegetables salad.
You can also add any other seasoning of your choice.
Recipe adapted from
Aguacates Rellenos de Ensalada de Pollo A SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY
Aguacates Rellenos de Ensalada de Pollo
- 3 Aguacates
- 350 gr. de pechuga de pollo
- 1 Papa, picada en dados
- 1 Zanahoria, picada en dados
- 1 Diente de ajo
- 1 Cucharada de perejil
- 1 Limón
- 1 Manzana, picada en dados
- 12 Aceitunas negras
- 1 Lata de punta de espárrago
- Sal y pimienta al gusto
- 6 Cucharadas de aceite de oliva
- 2 Cucharadas de vinagre de jerez
- Lava la pechuga de pollo, y ponla a cocinar en agua con sal a fuego bajo durante 20 minutos.
- Luego, la papa y la zanahoria, y dejar cocinar por otros 20 minutos.
- Escurre todo bien y pon las verduras en un recipiente. Pica la pechuga en dados y resérvala.
- Después, corta los aguacates por la mitad, y extrae la pulpa con cuidado. Reserva las cáscaras y pica la pulpa con el ajo y el perejil.
- Rocíalo el aguacate con el zumo de limón, y rellénalo con la mezcla de pollo y verduras, las aceitunas, aceite, vinagre, sal y pimienta.
- También puedes añadir cualquier otro aderezo de tu preferencia.
28 de septiembre de 2016
Stuffed Loin Ham and Cheese Pockets RECIPE FOR TODAY
Stuffed Pork Loins, Ham and Cheese Pockets
6 loin Booklets
6 slices of cheese
6 slices of ham
2 Eggs
Bread crumbs
Olive oil for frying.
Extend the pork loins on a clean surface and salt.
Then we cover each piece with a slice of cheese and a slice of ham.
Fold the loins and coat each with breadcrumbs and beaten egg.
For the pockets not open when we fry them, we can close the edges of each with one or two tooth picks.
Heat olive oil on high and fry the pockets on each side, to golden brown.
Once removed from the fire, we must put the cooked pockets on a plate with paper towel to absorb excess oil.
Serve immediately.
Libritos de Lomo Rellenos de Jamón y Queso A SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY
Libritos de Lomo Rellenos de Jamón y Queso
- 6 Libritos de lomo
- 6 Lonchas de queso
- 6 Lonchas de jamón de York
- 2 Huevos
- Pan rallado
- Sal
- Aceite de oliva para freír.
- Extendemos los libritos sobre una superficie limpia y lo salamos.
- A continuación, cubrimos cada librito con una loncha de queso y, encima, una loncha de jamón de York.
- Doblamos los libritos y pasamos cada uno por huevo batido y pan rallado.
- Para que no se abran al freírlos, podemos cerrar los bordes de cada librito con uno o dos palillos.
- Calentamos abundante aceite de oliva y freímos los libritos por cada lado, tienen que quedar bien dorados.
- Al sacarlos del fuego, los iremos colocando sobre un plato con papel de cocina para que se absorba el aceite sobrante.
- Servir enseguida.
27 de septiembre de 2016
Pancakes with Chocolate RECIPE FOR TODAY
250g plain flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
350cc milk
4 tablespoons neutral oil
100g of chocolate chips
In a bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt.
Panqueques con Chocolate A SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY
Panqueques con Chocolate
- 250g de harina común
- 4 cucharadas de azúcar
- 2 cucharadas de polvo para hornear
- 1/2 cucharadita de sal
- 2 huevos
- 350cc de leche
- 4 cucharadas de aceite neutro
- 100g de chips de chocolate
26 de septiembre de 2016
Avena con Frutas
- 2 1/2 Tazas de leche fresca
- 2 Tazas avena
- 1/2 Cucharadas canela en polvo
- 1/2 Cucharada vainilla
- 2 Cucharadas coco rallado
- 1/2 Taza manzana en cubos
- 1/2 Taza. melón en cubos
- 1/2 Taza. plátano de la isla en cubos
- 4 cucharadas miel
25 de septiembre de 2016
Corn Cake with Cheese - A Spanish Recipe translated in English
Corn Cakes with Cheese
1 Kilo of Precooked Corn Flour
3/4 kilo cheese
1/4 cup vegetable oil
Make corn flour into dough following recipe on packaging. Place dough in a bowl and season with salt. If necessary, pour a little water, it must become a manageable mass, neither too soft nor too hard. Knead for 20 minutes. Stretch the dough on a surface with a rolling pin until a centimeter thick. Cut dough with circular molds eight centimeters in diameter.
Aside, grate cheese using the thicker side of the grater. Grab a circular formed piece of dough and place abundantly grated cheese in the center. Cover with another circular piece of dough and seal with fingers that you wet in water. Proceed the same way with the rest of dough.
Heat a griddle over low heat then place the corn cakes with a little oil spread evenly over it and allow to brown on both sides. Note that the oil is not placed on the griddle but on the corn cake. You can also cook the corn cake in a nonstick skillet, over very low heat.
Place hot corn cake in a deep dish or plate and on each corn cake, put a cube of butter and garnish with pepper for color.
Arepas con Queso
- 1 Kilo de mote
- 3/4 kilo queso
- 1/4 Taza de aceite vegetal
- mantequilla
- sal
24 de septiembre de 2016
Sándwich de Waffle Tostado A SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY
Sándwich de Waffle Tostado
- 2 waffles congelados
- 2 salchichas de soya para desayunar
- 1 rebanada de queso
- 6 rebanadas finas de manzana
- 1/2 cucharadita de azúcar con canela
- 2 cucharadas jarabe para panqueques
23 de septiembre de 2016
Huevos Rancheros - A RECIPE FOR YOU TODAY
Huevos Rancheros
1 tomato
1 serrano chile
1 clove garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
4 tablespoons oil for frying
2 eggs
2 tortillas
4 tablespoons refried beans
Boil the tomatoes, chili and garlic for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and blend with a little salt and pepper. Reserve.
Heat oil in a nonstick skillet over high heat. Pass tortillas in hot oil to soften but not brown. Drain excess oil from tortilla and place on a plate.
Reduce heat to medium level. Break eggs and fry, taking care not to burst yolk, until whites have curdled. Turn and fry for another 15 seconds. Remove immediately from pan to prevent overcooking.
Spread 2 tablespoons of beans on each tortilla and place an egg over it. Bathe with tomato sauce and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Huevos Rancheros
- 1 jitomate
- 1 chile serrano
- 1 diente de ajo
- Sal y Pimienta, al gusto
- 4 cucharadas de aceite para freír
- 2 huevos
- 2 tortillas
- 4 cucharadas de frijoles refritos
22 de septiembre de 2016
Mushroom Omelet with Cheese, Ham and Leek RECIPE FOR TODAY
Mushroom Omelet with Cheese, Ham and Leek
12 eggs
500 g fresh mushrooms
200 g of sliced ham
2 leeks sliced onions
100 g butter
Chopped green onions or chives
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Heat over medium heat in a skillet with a tablespoon of butter. Saute sliced leeks. Then add the sliced mushrooms and sprinkle with salt. Barging. Beat the eggs in a bowl. Add salt and pepper. Pour butter to skillet again, Teflon to prevent sticking. Add a bed of egg, cook for three minutes, put up a bit of the filling ingredients: mushrooms, leeks and grated yellow cheese. Fold in half and cook a little more on both sides. Serve each omelet for two. Garnish with chopped chives or ciboulettes.
Omelet de Hongos, Queso, Jamón y Ajoporro A SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY
Omelet de Hongos, Queso, Jamón y Ajoporro
- 12 huevos
- 500 g de champiñones frescos
- 200 g de jamón en rebanadas
- 2 Cebollas puerros en rebanadas
- 100 g de mantequilla
- Cebollín o ciboulette picados
- Sal y pimienta negra recién molida
21 de septiembre de 2016
National Anthem
O. Land of the Free by the Carib Sea,Our manhood we pledge to thy liberty!
No tyrants here linger, despots must flee
This tranquil haven of democracy
The blood of our sires which hallows the sod,
Brought freedom from slavery oppression's rod,
By the might of truth and the grace of God,
No longer shall we be hewers of wood.
Arise! ye sons of the Baymen's clan,
Put on your armour, clear the land!
Drive back the tyrants, let despots flee -
Land of the Free by the Carib Sea!
Nature has blessed thee with wealth untold,
O'er mountains and valleys where prairies roll;
Our fathers, the Baymen, valiant and bold
Drove back the invader; this heritage hold
From proud Rio Hondo to old Sarstoon,
Through coral isle, over blue lagoon;
Keep watch with the angels, the stars and moon;
For freedom comes tomorrow's noon.
New Prime Minister Elected Amid Unrest
Controversial Telecom Battle Comes to a Head
"We as the Belize National Teachers Union (BNTU) will fight a fight to win. You know what hurts me a lot? In fact, while coming on the bus with our teachers were kinda concerned. They asked me, if I think our pay will get deducted. I asked them, would you prefer sacrifice a day for your country or do you prefer sacrifice your entire life for your country to still be safe?"
"They have every right to demand the raise that was rightfully promise to them. I don't think they were even asking for it, but the Prime Minister in his quest to get a third term, went overboard and made all kinds of promises and he made a promise to the teachers and now he is using an excuse about Hurricane Earl, that it has caused I am told millions of dollars of damages. It is so ironic in this world. They say when you spit up in the air, it falls on your face. That's exactly what is happening to the Prime Minister. Because remember the PUP had 5 storms and hurricanes and whenever we gave the extent of the damage, he was the first one saying that it was being inflated. Now in this case, it was just a category 1 storm or hurricane and he is saying we lost hundreds of millions of dollars. Yet people are not seeing any kind of benefit that he is getting from supposedly the efforts that or his government has been doing."
20 de septiembre de 2016
Croque Madame
- 12 panes de sándwich
- 6 rebanadas gruesas de jamón
- 6 rebanadas gruesas de queso amarillo
- 100 g de mantequilla
- 1 y 1/2 tazas de queso amarillo
- 6 huevos
- Sal y pimienta recién molida
- Aceite
- Tomillo fresco o ciboulette para adornar
19 de septiembre de 2016
Healthy Orange Carrot Muffins RECIPE FOR TODAY
Healthy Orange Carrot Muffins
1/2 cup applesauce
1/4 cup canola oil
1/4 cup agave syrup
1/2 Tbsp vanilla extract
1 heaping tsp grated orange zest
1 cup vanilla flavored Soy Slender
3/4 cups finely grated carrots
2 eggs
2 1/4 cups (King Arthur’s) white whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
9 packets of splenda (to taste, if you like it less sweet or more sweet you can adjust it)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a muffin pan with paper muffin liners.
In an electric mixer, or with a wire whisk, mix together the first 8 ingredients until well blended.
In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and splenda. Gently mix the dry ingredients in to the wet mixture. Stir until justincorporated.
Spoon batter into 12 prepared muffin liners, filling all the way to the top. Bake at 350 for 18 minutes.
Yields: 12 muffins
Beef and Butternut Squash Stew RECIPE FOR TODAY
Beef and Butternut Squash Stew
- 3 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 onion, peeled and chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, chopped
- 1 tablespoon minced fresh rosemary
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
- 2 pounds stew beef, cut into 2-inch cubes
- 1/2 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, plus more to taste
- 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 cup Marsala wine
- 1 pound butternut squash, trimmed and cut into 2-inch cubes
- 1/4 cup chopped sun-dried tomatoes
- 3 to 4 cups beef broth
- 2 tablespoons fresh chopped flat-leaf parsley
- Crusty bread, for serving
Omelet de Espinaca, Cebollín y Queso Ricotta A SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY
Omelet de Espinaca, Cebollín y Queso Ricotta
- 1 Ramo de espinacas hervidas
- 1 Taza de cebollines picados
- 100 grs de queso ricotta
- 3 Huevos
- Sal y pimienta al gusto
- 2 Cucharadas de mantequilla
- Aceite de oliva
18 de septiembre de 2016
Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Honey and Cinnamon RECIPE FOR TODAY
Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Honey and Cinnamon
4 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch cubes
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for drizzling potatoes after cooked
1/4 cup honey
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Lay the sweet potatoes out in a single layer on a roasting tray. Drizzle the oil, honey, cinnamon, salt and pepper over the potatoes. Roast for 25 to 30 minutes in oven or until tender.
Take sweet potatoes out of the oven and transfer them to a serving platter. Drizzle with more extra-virgin olive oil.
Recipe courtesy of Tyler Florence
Pan Francés
- 2/3 taza de leche
- 2 cucharadas de azúcar
- 1 pizca de sal
- 8 rebanadas de pan
- 2 cucharadas de mantequilla
- 1 Taza de aceite
- azúcar, canela molida para espolvorear
- miel para servir
17 de septiembre de 2016
Huevos Benedictinos con salsa holandesa - A SPANISH RECIPE FOR TODAY
Huevos Benedictinos con salsa holandesa
- 6 huevos
- 6 muffins o pancitos redondos
- 6 rebanadas de jamón o salmón ahumado
- Mantequilla
- 5 yemas de huevo
- 150 grs de mantequilla
- El jugo de 1 limón
- 1/2 cucharada de sal
- 1 mostaza
- Tomaticos tipo cherry
16 de septiembre de 2016
For the topping
60 g (30 g) butter
80 grams (40 grams) of white sugar
80g (40g) brown sugar
550 g (3 slices) of pineapple in syrup *
cherries in syrup for garnish (optional)
* Dry well and remove as much liquid as possible so it does not moisten the cake too much.
For the cake:
(If you want to make a smaller size cake use the measurement in brackets)
195 gr (100 gr) pastry flour
2 tsp (1 tsp + a pinch) baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
120 g (60 g) butter
200 gr (100 gr) sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 eggs (not too large)
120 ml (60 ml) milk
For a mold about 23 cm. Oven to 180 degrees.
We put the two types of sugar and butter in a small saucepan and cook over medium heat until all is dissolved and acquire a homogeneous texture. Then let it cook a little longer until we see that the sugar begins to caramelize a few minutes.
Then remove from heat and pour over a greased mold, place the pieces of pineapple and cherries to cover the mold, and reserve.
Beat butter and sugar until fluffy and smooth. Once this consistency is obtained add the vanilla extract and continue beating. continue to add the egg yolks one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Mix flour, baking powder and salt and add to previous mass, in three parts, alternating with the milk and whisk to incorporate all ingredients.
In another bowl, beat egg whites until they are stiff peaks.
Incorporate the egg whites to the dough, in two parts, and with the help of a spatula, but integrate carefully, do not beat too much.
Pour mixture in the mold, smooth the top and bake for about 50 minutes (smaller cake may be ready in 35 minutes), or until we prick cake and see that the cake tester comes out clean.
Once out of the oven, let cool in the pan, about 10 minutes. Then remove from mold and let cool completely.