2 de diciembre de 2016


Natillas caseras
Homemade Custard

For 6 people

1 liter of milk
5 egg yolks
100 g of sugar (four tablespoons)
A piece of lemon peel
1 cinnamon stick
40 g cornstarch (two tablespoons)

1.-Reserve a glass of cold milk and heat the rest with the cinnamon stick and lemon peel. When the milk begins to boil low the fire so that it does not spill and it allows that it boils during five minutes to very slow fire.

2.-Meanwhile, add the cornstarch to the glass of milk that you have reserved and stir until it dissolves completely. Although it may seem like it remains like the cement, it removes, it is going to mix completely and you will see that all the lumps disappear in a moment.

3.-Peel the eggs by separating the yolks from the egg whites. In this recipe you will only use the yolks. Place the yolks in a large bowl and add the sugar and milk with the cornstarch. Beat well with the rods.

4.-After boiling the milk for five minutes, pass it through a strainer to remove any tripping you may have. Now is the time to incorporate it into the yolks. It is very important that you do it little by little.

5.-With the rods in march, pour the milk in the preparation of yolks, without stopping to beat, until you have added all. You will see that you have foam on the surface. It is normal. Pour all the preparation in a saucepan and take it to the fire. The fire should be low, as this preparation sticks and burns easily. You can do it to the water bath, even if it costs you a little more. Remove without stopping with a spoon or a hand stick. When the foam on the surface disappears and the custards thicken, you can remove the saucepan from the fire. This step usually lasts about ten minutes. Do not be impatient or you can get burned.

6.-Pour the custard into cups or a deep bowl type dish. Sprinkle the surface with ground cinnamon, once it has cooled. If you do it through a strainer, the cinnamon will be distributed much better and you will not have any grumito. This is only for aesthetics.

Save the custards in the refrigerator and serve them very cold. You can present them adorned with a waffle or a cookie.

Tip: If you like the thickest custard, add a little more cornstarch, but do not pass, and if you prefer the clearer, add a little less. With that you try increasing or diminishing a spoonful already you will see that the texture changes. Like everything, you have to try until you find the texture that you like. Also reducing or increasing the amount of milk will get thicker or brighter.

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