4 de diciembre de 2016

Very Creamy Catalan Cream ENGLISH RECIPE FOR TODAY

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Portions / number of people: 4 people
Preparation Time: 240 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes

Very Creamy Catalan Cream
750 ml. Whole milk
200 gr. of sugar
1 lemon
50 gr. cornstarch
6 eggs

How to prepare

The first thing we must do is dilute the cornstarch in a glass of milk.

Then we beat the egg yolks with the sugar. We will not stop beating until we see that the mixtyre we get is very creamy.

Place the rest of the milk in a pan and place over medium heat, along with the skin of a lemon, previously washed. When the milk begins to boil we lower the fire, remove the skin of the lemon and add instead the mixture of yolks with the sugar. Beat again until all ingredients are well integrated.

Then add the glass of milk with the cornstarch, and continue beating until the desired creamy texture is gotten. Then remove from the fire and pour into individual earthenware containers.

Finally, do not forget to sprinkle a thin layer of sugar on each dessert. With a cooking torch we will burn it to be crispy and then let it cool in the refrigerator for several hours, so that it picks up and finishes curdling. Delicious!

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