Chicken Nuggets
Makes: 4
Serving Size: 5 nuggets (about 4 oz.)
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Marinating Time: 24 hours
1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 cup low-fat buttermilk
1 1/2 cups panko bread crumbs
2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Olive oil cooking spray
Add the chicken to a large plastic bag. With a rolling pin or meat mallet, pound each chicken breast, one at a time, until thin.
Cut all the chicken into a total of 20 pieces.
Add the chicken to another large plastic bag, and add the buttermilk.
Seal the bag, and marinate the chicken in the refrigerator overnight.
The next day, preheat the oven to 400°F.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, or with foil that has been coated with cooking spray.
On a plate, combine the panko bread crumbs with the cayenne pepper, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.
Shake the excess buttermilk off each piece of chicken, and roll the chicken in the bread-crumb mixture, coating it well. You will not use all the bread crumbs.
Place the chicken nuggets in a single layer on the baking sheet, and coat the top of the nuggets with the olive oil cooking spray.
Bake the nuggets for about 10 minutes, or until golden brown.
Serve with your own favorite lower-sodium dipping sauce and a prehiSPAnic cocoon Salad.
30 de junio de 2017
Chicken Nuggets RECIPE FOR TODAY
Belizean Chicken Curry with Coconut Milk RECIPE FOR TODAY
Belizean Chicken Curry with Coconut Milk
2 tbsp Vegetable Oil
2 Large Onions, grated
3 cloves Garlic, chopped
2 tsps Turmeric
2 tsps Curry Powder
1 tsp Cumin Seeds
1 lb (450 grams) Chicken Breast, cut into strips
2 tsps Hot Pepper Sauce
1 ½ tbsp Lime Juice
½ cup Coconut Milk
6 medium Tomatoes, chopped
2 tbsp Tomato Ketchup
½ tsp Salt
½ cup *Chicken stock
1 clove Curry Powder
Vinegar or Lime
Heat oil in frying pan/ skillet. Gently sauté onions and garlic until softened (do not burn). Stir in turmeric, curry powder and cumin seeds. Fry for 3 minutes then add chicken, cover and cook for 7 minutes. Stir in Hot Pepper Sauce, limejuice, Coconut Milk, tomatoes, Tomato Ketchup, salt and stock. Bring to a boil stirring occasionally for 10 minutes or until thickened.
Serving Suggestions:
Combine cooked rice and Red Kidney Beans, arrange as a ring. Spoon Curried Chicken in the centre and serve.
*Chicken stock: Use Chicken Noodle Soup Mix. To ½-cup water, add 3 tablespoons of seasoning from the packet soup.
29 de junio de 2017
Blackened Tilapia with Orange-Avocado Salad RECIPE FOR TODAY
Blackened Tilapia with Orange-Avocado Salad
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
1 Hass avocado, peeled and sliced
2 navel oranges, peeled and sectioned
¼ red onion, thinly sliced
1 1/2 teaspoons blackened seasoning
2 (8-ounce) tilapia filets
Vegetable cooking spray
Whisk together first 4 ingredients in a medium bowl.
Slowly add oil, whisking until blended.
Add avocado slices, gently turning to coat all sides (to prevent avocado from turning brown).
Arrange orange slices on a deep plate; top with avocado slices and onion slices; drizzle with lime juice mixture. Set aside.
Sprinkle blackened seasoning evenly on both sides of fish.
Cook fish in a non-stick skillet coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat 3 minutes on each or until fish flakes slightly with a fork.
Serve with Orange-Avocado Salad.
1 Carbohydrate
5 1/2 Very Lean Meat
2 1/2 Fat
Calories: 384; Calories from Fat: 159; Total Fat: 17.7 g; Saturated Fat: 3.7 g; Cholesterol: 86 mg; Sodium: 312 mg; Total Carbohydrate: 18 g; Dietary Fiber: 6.1 g; Sugars: 9 g; Protein: 42
1 1/2 lb shrimp, peeled & deveined, tails left on
1 cup honey
1 cup butter, melted (2 sticks)
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1 lime (juiced)
3 ounces balsamic vinegar
VooDoo Sauce
1 cup Chinese sweet chili sauce
2 ounces southern comfort liqueur
2 sprigs cilantro, chopped
1 lime (juiced)
1 tablespoon Tabasco sauce(I will use Melinda's Pepper Sauce)
3 ounces honey
1 ounce sesame oil
Mix marinade ingredients, place shrimp in marinade and let stand 1 hour.
Meanwhile, mix VooDoo sauce ingredients.
Grill or saute shrimp until done and serve with VooDoo Sauce.

2 pollos enteros abiertos (tipo mariposa)
1 cebolla picada (trozos gruesos)
8 dientes de ajo
1½ taza de jugo de naranja
½ cucharadita de orégano entero
½ cucharadita mejorana
½ cucharadita tomillo
4 hojas de laurel
1 cucharada de sal
½ cucharadita de pimienta molida
Coloca en la licuadora el jugo de naranja con todos los ingredientes menos la cebolla y licualos bien. Vacía esta mezcla encima de los pollos, cubre con una bolsa de plástico y déjalos marinando en el refrigerador por lo menos 4 horas. Lo ideal es dejarlos toda la noche. (No pasa nada si lo dejas un par de días). Hay que voltear los pollos para que la marinada impregne todo el pollo.
Retira los pollos del refrigerador por lo menos ½ antes de que los vayas a asar para que cuando lleguen a la parilla ya no estén fríos. El carbón lo tienes que encender por lo menos unos 45 minutos antes de empezar a asar los pollos. Una vez que este el carbón gris, engrasa bien la parrilla antes de poner los pollos en la parrilla. Vele dando la vuelta a los pollos cada 8 a 10 minutos. Puedes ir barnizando los pollos con la marinada que te haya sobrado.
10 minutos antes de que este el pollo fríe ligeramente la cebolla en una plancha o en un pequeño sartén con un poco de aceite. Vaciar la cebolla encima del pollo antes de servirlo.
Para el suadero:
1 kg. de suadero (Falda de Res)
1/2 cebolla
2 dientes de ajo
c/s de agua
2 cdas. de aceite
c/s de sal
Para los nopales:
8 nopales cambray
8 cebollas cambray
3 rábanos en rodajas
1/4 de taza de papaloquelite
2 cdas. de aceite
c/s de sal y pimienta
Para la salsa roja:
2 tomates troceados
1/4 de cebolla troceada
1 diente de ajo
4 chiles de árbol desvenados
1 cda. de aceite
c/s de sal y pimienta
Para acompañar:
tortillas taqueras
cilantro picado
cebolla picada
Cuece el suadero con ajo, cebolla y sal por 35 minutos en olla de presión. Una vez cocida, fríe en un poco de aceite y sazona con sal y pimienta.
En un comal, asa los nopales y las cebollas, sazonando con sal y pimienta.
Coloca en un tazón los nopales asados y partidos, las cebollas, el papaloquelite y los rábanos; sazona con sal y pimienta.
Para la salsa, fríe en una cacerola la cebolla picada, el ajo, el jitomate y los chiles de árbol. Sazona nuevamente y muele en la licuadora; añade caldo o agua para facilitar la cocción.
Forma los tacos y acompaña con la ensalada, la salsa, cilantro y jugo de limón.
28 de junio de 2017
Crispy Baked Coconut Chicken RECIPE FOR TODAY

1 whole cut up chicken
Coconut milk, as needed*
1-2 fresh limes, juiced
2-4 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 onion, chopped (or to taste)
Salt & pepper, to taste
1 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup coconut flakes, plus extra
Favorite seasoning (ex: Italian seasoning, poultry seasoning, etc.)
Marinate chicken in coconut milk, lime juice, garlic, onion and salt and pepper for 1-4 hours.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a large glass pan with coconut oil. Set aside.
Mix coconut flour, coconut flakes, and your choice of seasoning together. Dredge chicken in the flour mixture and press extra coconut flakes onto chicken pieces.
Place chicken in baking dish and bake in preheated oven for 45 minutes, depending on how big the pieces are.
This recipe goes well with coconut rice.
*To make Coconut Cream Milk stir approximately 1 teaspoon of coconut cream concentrate to every 6 oz of water or make Homemade Coconut Milk.
Recipe submitted by Karen, Melbourne, FL
Belizean Dip for Meatballs RECIPE FOR TODAY
Belizean Dip for Meatballs
6 tblsps tomato ketchup 90ml
4 tblsps Pepper Sauce (or to taste)
1-1/2 tblsps lemon juice
1 tsp soy sauce 5ml
1/2 tsp salt 2ml
1/2 onion (minced)
Put all ingredients in a small deep bowl. (Mix well)
Make meatballs very small. Use as an appetizer.
Slow Cooker Garlic Chicken RECIPE FOR TODAY
Slow Cooker Garlic ChickenIngredients
1/2 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth
3 tablespoons dry white wine
2 tablespoons cognac
1 1/2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoons butter
1 whole chicken (3 to 3 1/2 lb), skin removed, cut into 8 pieces
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
40 cloves garlic (about 4 whole heads), peeled
2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves
4 teaspoons chopped fresh parsley, if desired
1 Spray 4-quart slow cooker with cooking spray. In small bowl, stir broth, wine and cognac; set aside.
2 In 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat oil and butter over medium-high heat. Sprinkle chicken pieces evenly with salt and pepper. Add to skillet; cook 5 minutes, turning once, until golden. Place chicken in slow cooker.
3 Add garlic to drippings in skillet; cook over medium heat 1 minute, stirring constantly, until garlic begins to brown. Stir in broth mixture, scraping skillet to loosen brown particles. Boil 2 minutes or until sauce is reduced to about 1 cup. Pour sauce over chicken. Sprinkle with thyme.
4 Cover; cook on Low heat setting 4 hours or until juice of chicken is clear when thickest pieces are cut to bone (at least 165°F). Garnish with parsley.
-16 tortillas de maíz
-1 kg de pechuga deshebrada y cocida
-Sal y pimienta
-Aceite para freír
5 jitomates partidos a la mitad
1 cebolla mediana partida en cuatro
3 chiles guajillo, secos y sin semillas
2 dientes de ajo
1 taza de agua
1 cda de consomé de pollo en polvo
1/2 taza de perejil
1/3 de taza de cilantro
Lechuga picada
Coloca el pollo deshebrado en un recipiente, salpimienta. Toma porciones del pollo y haz tacos con las tortillas, procurando que queden bien apretados. Ciérralos con palillos de madera.
En una sartén calienta suficiente aceite. Cuando esté bien caliente fríe los tacos hasta que queden ligeramente dorados por ambos lados. Retira de la sartén y colócalos en toallas de papel absorbente para retirar el exceso de grasa. Reserva.
Para hacer la salsa la salsa, en un comal caliente asa los jitomates, cebolla, chiles y ajos por 5 minutos o hasta que estén negritos. Retira del comal y coloca en la licuadora. Vierte una taza de agua, el consomé de pollo en polvo, perejil y cilantro. Licua por 2 minutos.
En una olla a fuego medio-alto calienta una cucharada de aceite, vierte la salsa colada, baja el fuego, tapa y deja cocinar por 10 minutos. Añade más agua si es necesario. Sazona con sal y pimienta al gusto.
Sirve los tacos en platos hondos, vierte la salsa ahogándolos. Acompaña con crema, queso y lechuga.
27 de junio de 2017
Belizean Seafood Soup RECIPE FOR TODAY

By rebrown16
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup flour
1 cup onion, diced
4 tablespoons tomato paste
2 cups coconut milk, unsweetened
3 cups fish stock
1 pinch thyme
5 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup potato, cubed
1 cup cassava, cubed
1 cup green bell pepper, deseeded, diced
1 cup carrot, diced
seafood (as desired)
1 large lobster tail, with shell
1 lb fish fillet
First heat oil in a heavy pot, add flour and stir constantly with a whisk until flour is copper in color.
Add onions and tomato paste and stir for two to three minutes until onions are a deep golden brown.
Add coconut milk, fish stock, thyme and garlic. Mix well, bring to a gentle boil, lower heat and let sauce simmer for ten minutes more.
Add potato, cassava, bell pepper and carrots and boil until vegetables are cooked.
Add lobster, fish, shrimp and conch and simmer until cooked.
While soup is boiling mix grated green plantain with coconut oil, salt and pepper. Form into little dumplings the size of a teaspoon.
Add dumplings along with ripe plantain to the soup and bring to a rapid boil for five minutes or until plantains are cooked.
Serve hot and enjoy.

from the kitchen of: Grace Kennedy
4 lbs clean shaved Cow's foot (sliced about 3/4'')
2lbs carrots (diced or sliced)
2 lbs coco (cubed in bite sized pieces)
1/2 lb okra (optional)
1 small onion (diced)
8 cloves garlic (crushed)
4 stalks celery
1 envelope Mahler chicken soup Mix
2 packets Malher beef consume
2 teaspoons oregano
2 teaspoons thyme
Grace Habanero Pepper Sauce
salt and black pepper to taste
Cook cow's foot in a slow cooker for 6 hours
Put softened cow's foot in a large soup pot with liquid.
Add carrots, coco, onions, and garlic. Boil until done.
Add Malher Chicken Soup Mix, oregano and thyme.
Add Malher Beef Consume, salt and pepper to taste
Boil okra separately and add to individual platter
Serve with white rice and add Grace Habanero Pepper Sauce if desired
Italian Fish Stew RECIPE FOR TODAY
Italian Fish Stew
2 tbsps olive oil
2 onions, chopped
4 sticks celery, chopped
3–4 large cloves garlic, chopped
400g can chopped tomatoes
500g potatoes, peeled and cut into 3–4cm chunks
2–3 bay leaves
500ml vegetable stock
Black pepper
600g fish fillets (Pollock, tilapia, cod, etc.)
Juice 1 small lemon
15g pack fresh flat leaf parsley, chopped
½ 15g bag fresh dill, chopped
1–2 tbsps capers (optional)
1. Heat the olive oil in a saucepan, and fry the onion and celery for 5 minutes. Add the garlic and continue to cook for 3 to 4 minutes.
2. Add the tomatoes, potatoes, bay leaves and stock and season with black pepper. Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes.
3. Add the fish and simmer for a further 10 to 15 minutes until the potatoes are tender and the fish is cooked. Add the lemon juice, herbs and capers (optional).
4. Check the seasoning and serve with slices of Oat & Nutty Bread spread with Flora pro.activ if you wish. You can freeze what’s left to enjoy another day.

½ Kg. de Pescado de su preferencia
¼ de Tomate Verde
1 Manojo de Cilantro
3 Dientes de Ajo
½ cebolla
¼ de lechuga
1 Taza de agua
2 cdas. de aceite vegetal
Sal al gusto
Se muelen en crudo los tomates, cilantro, ajo, cebolla y lechuga. Se pone a freír en aceite vegetal y se le agrega la taza de agua, se deja que sazone y se van agregando con cuidado los trozos de pescado, se le agrega la sal y se deja hervir unos minutos hasta que se cueza el pescado.
26 de junio de 2017
Spaghetti with Green Beans and Tomatoes RECIPE FOR TODAY

Ease of preparation: average
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4-6
1 box Spaghetti
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 shallots, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
6 medium tomatoes on the vine, peeled, seeded and diced
1 pound green beans, cut in 1 inch pieces
to taste salt
to taste freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons fresh thyme, finely chopped
1 tablespoon fresh Italian parsley, chopped
BRING a large pot of water to a boil.
HEAT olive oil in a large skillet. Add shallots and sauté until golden.
ADD garlic and cook 1 minute.
ADD tomatoes; season with salt and pepper. Simmer 5 minutes.
ADD parsley and thyme.
COOK pasta according to package directions. Add green beans for last 4 minutes of cooking time. Drain and add pasta and green beans to sauce. Mix well and serve.
Braised Pork N Coconut Milk RECIPE FOR TODAY
Braised Pork N Coconut Milk
1 lb pork
1 coconut to extract milk or 1/2 can coconut milk
3 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp molasses
salt and black pepper, to taste
If you are using a coconut, save water in a bowl and cut coconut into strips.
If you are using canned coconut milk, get unsweetened shredded coconut to use as coconut strips.
Cut pork into thin strips and mix with fish sauce, sugar, and molasses and marinate for 20 minutes to absorb the spices.
If you do not have molasses, place a spoon of sugar in a pan and cook n medium heat until it becomes caramel. Place pork in pan and cook until it shrinks and absorbs the spice.
Put coconut milk in the pan and cook until it thickens. Place coconut strips or shredded coconut (or coconut rice) into the mixture. You can add more spice to suit your taste and turn off stove.
This dish is best served hot over steamed rice with vegetables on the side.
Note: It is recommended that you use a young coconut and do not cook for too long or the pork will shrink and burn and loose its soft taste.

1 kg de camarones grandes
Sal y pimienta
2 cucharadas de mayonesa
1 diente de ajo picado
1 cucharada de salsa china (Soya)
1 cucharada de salsa inglesa
1 cucharada de salsa picante
1 cucharadita de consomé de camarón en polvo
1 cucharada de mantequilla
1 tomate
1 cebolla chica
1 chile poblano.
1.- en un pequeño bowl mezclamos la mayonesa, y todas las salsas, así como un poco de consomé, y mezclamos con mantequilla derretida.
2.- Ahora en un cuadrado de aluminio vamos a poner en el centro una porción de unos 200g de camarones alternando unos con cabeza y cascara y otros completamente pelados.
3.- Agregamos sal y pimienta y aderezamos con nuestra salsa que preparamos anteriormente.
4.- Por ultimo partimos cebolla tomate y chile y agregamos unas cuantas rodajas de cada uno, cerramos el paquete y lo ponemos sobre la plancha por 10 minutos.
Servir acompañado de arroz blanco o arroz a la mantequilla.
- 1 lata de 15.5 onzas DOLE Canned Mango Slices
- ½ taza de azúcar
- 2 libras de queso blanco de freír
- 14 onzas de masa para pie
- Aceite para freir
- En una sartén sobre fuego medio alto, mezclar el mango con el azúcar.
- Cocinar esto, moviendo y triturando el mango con un tenedor por unos 10 minutos hasta que el syrup se reduzca y el mango alcance una consistencia a mermelada.
- Mientras el mango esta en proceso de cocción, cortar el queso en trozos de ¾ pulgada de ancho y 3 pulgadas de largo aproximadamente.
- Hacer un espacio en los trozos de queso removiendo parte del centro para poder rellenar con el mango.
- Cuando el mango este listo, poner en la nevera para que baje la temperatura y no este muy caliente.
- Rellenar el queso con la reducción de mango.
- Cortar la masa para pie en tiras de ½ pulgada de ancho.
- Envolver el queso relleno con las tiras de masa para pie. Hacer esto envolviendo hasta cubrir completamente el queso y sellando cada extremo con los dedos.
- Freír en aceite bien caliente por unos minutos dando vueltas hasta que la masa este dorada y el queso derretido.
- No freír demasiado hasta dorar fuertemente ya que esto puede causar el queso salir de la masa.
1 15.5 once can DOLE Canned Mango Slices
1/2 cup sugar
2 libs white frying cheese
14 once pie crust sheet
Oil for frying
In a sauté pan over medium-high heat, mix the mango with the sugar.
Cook this, stirring and mashing the mango with a fork for about 10 minutes or until the syrup has reduced and the mango reaches a thick marmalade consistency.
While the mango is cooking down, cut the cheese in sticks of approximately 3/4 inches wide x 3 inches long.
Make a space in the middle of the cheese sticks by removing part of the center in order to stuff the cheese. Watch my video to see how I did it.
When the mango is ready and out of the pan, place it in a container and in the fridge to bring down the temperature some, so it is easier to handle.
Fill each cheese stick with the mango filling.
Cut the pie crust in 1/2 inch wide long strips.
Wrap the stuffed cheese with the pie crust strips until all of the cheese is covered and pinching the ends to avoid too much oozing.
Fry each pie crust wrapped stuffed cheese on hot oil, turning it around so it is golden and crispy all around.
Do not over fry it as it can cause the cheese to melt too much and break down the cheese sticks.
25 de junio de 2017
Pork Chops with Dijon Herb Sauce RECIPE FOR TODAY

Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
Servings: 4 • Serving Size: 1 chop • Old Points: 4 pts • Points+: 4 pts
Calories: 166.5 • Fat: 9.2 g • Carb: 2.6 g • Fiber: 0.2 g • Protein: 16.4 g
1 tsp butter
4 pork chops (22 oz with bone, fat removed), 1 inch thick, trim all visible fat
1/2 tsp salt
fresh ground pepper
3 tbsp chopped onion
3/4 cup fat free chicken stock
1 tbsp dijon mustard
2 tbsp chopped, fresh herbs like parsley, chives
In a large frying pan heat the butter over moderately low heat. Season pork with salt and pepper.
Raise heat to medium and add the chops to the pan and sauté for 7 minutes. Turn and cook until chops are browned and done to medium, about 7-8 minutes longer. Remove the chops and put in a warm spot.
Add the onion to the pan and cook, stirring, until soft, about 3 minutes. Add the stock and boil until it reduces to 1/2 cup, about 3 minutes. Stir in the mustard, herbs, and 1/8 tsp pepper. Put the chops on a platter and pour the sauce over the meat.
Food and Wines says it is ok if the pork chops are pink in the center. Trichinosis is killed at the relatively low temperature of 150°. I use a thermometer to check the center and usually leave it until it hits 160°. Don't overcook or they will become dry.
Pork Shoulder in Pressure Cooker and Pickled Onions RECIPE FOR TODAY

2/3 cup orange juice
1/4 cup A1 Original Sauce
2 large cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon achiote paste
1 tablespoon oil
1 pork butt (or shoulder) Boneless (2 lbs), cut into strips
2 small red onions, sliced
1/3 cup KRAFT Zesty Italian Dressing
8 corn tortillas, Piping hot
BLEND first 4 ingredients until smooth.
HEAT oil in a pressure cooker over medium-high heat. Add the meat in batches; cook it for 4 min. or until it is brown. Put all the meat in the pressure cooker; add juice mixture over it.
CLOSE the pressure cooker tightly. Cook meat over medium-high heat until the pressure gauge is in place and the rotary valve begins to vibrate gently. Reduce heat to maintain a slow gradual and consistent rotational movement; 55 min cooking time for meat. Remove from heat; let stand 10 min. or until the pressure gauge drops. Meanwhile, put the onions in a pot with boiling water and cook for 5 min.
DRAIN onions; put them in a bowl. Add dressing to coat and shuffle them. Remove the valve from the pressure cooker, and then the lid. Remove meat in the pot; shred it. Put it back in the cooker; stir with sauce. Put meat mixture and onion in tortillas; roll them.
Kraft Kitchens Tips
Serve with a side of steamed vegetable.
Prepare it as directed, but use a 8 liters pot. Cover the pot after adding the liquid mixture; let it boil. Cook meat over low heat, keeping a gentle boil, 1-1/2 hours or until tender.
There are a variety of pressure cookers pots already on the market. Therefore, it is important to follow the specific instructions that comes with your pot.

2 tazas de maseca (masa de maíz)
1/2 taza de manteca de puerco, si consigues la manteca con migajitas o pedacitos de chicharrón mas ricas!)
1 cucharadita de sal
3/4 de taza de agua caliente
Se amasa la maseca (masa) con la sal y la manteca hasta que no queden grumos luego finalmente le agregas el agua caliente hasta formar la masa
Hay que amasarla unos 10 o 15 minutos para que la masa quede bien manejable e hidratada, para que no se te quiebran, luego se forma la gordita con las palmas de las manos y se pasa a un comal caliente hasta que se vean doraditas.
Aquí una vez que están listas las corte parcialmente por la mitad, y le agregue queso asadero pero es a gusto de cada quien, le pueden agregar lo que gusten: tinga, papa, pollo, picadillo, requesón, grasitas de puerco, frijoles o solitas con café.
Puedes agregar queso añejo y crema para servir

- 2 latas de 15.25 onzas DOLE Tropical Fruit
- 1 libra Carne de pollo molido
- ½ taza Pan integral rallado
- ½ cucharadita de sal
- 1 cucharada de salsa de soya
- Precalentar el horno a 400 grados F.
- Hacer puree una de las latas de fruta con ayuda de un procesador de alimentos.
- Mezclar ½ taza del puré de frutas con la carne molida de pollo y el pan rallado.
- Agregar la sal y ajustar al gusto.
- Formar las albóndigas con la mezcla bien uniforme.
- Llevar las albóndigas al horno por 25 minutos. Dorar por dos minutos extras si desea color y textura adicional.
- Para hacer la salsa, mezcle en una sartén el resto de la fruta en puré con la salsa de soya y la siguiente lata de fruta tropical.
- Dejar la salsa calentar y añadir las albóndigas cuando estén cocidas y fuera del horno.
24 de junio de 2017
Chopped Vegetable Salad with Garlic Dressing RECIPE FOR TODAY
Chopped Vegetable Salad with Garlic Dressing
2 cups English cucumber, chopped
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1 cup chopped yellow bell pepper
1 cup chopped plum tomato
1/2 cup chopped green onions
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 garlic cloves, minced
6 red leaf lettuce leaves (optional)
Combine first 5 ingredients in a large bowl.
Combine lemon juice and next 5 ingredients (lemon juice through garlic) in a small bowl; stir well with a whisk.
Pour dressing over vegetables; toss gently to coat.
Serve salad on lettuce leaves, if desired.
Greg Patent, Cooking Light
Pork Chops with Onion and Apple Sauce RECIPE FOR TODAY

2 Pork Chops
2 Gala apple, chopped
2 Large Garlic clove
1⁄2 Teaspoon, chopped Marjoram
1⁄2 Teaspoon, chopped Sage
1⁄2 Teaspoon, chopped Thyme
1⁄2 Teaspoon, chopped Rosemary
Salt, To Taste
Pepper, To Taste
2 Tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil
1⁄2 Cup (8 tbs), sliced Onion
1⁄2 Cup (8 tbs) Beer
1 Tablespoon Extra virgin olive oil
1 Teaspoon Salt
1. Preheat the oven at 400 degrees F.
2. In a skillet pour in the extra virgin olive oil and let heat.
3. Add in the garlic and sauté for few minutes. Take out the garlic from the pan and keep aside.
4. Place the pork chop in the skillet and sear for 5 minutes. Turn the side of the pork loin season with salt and add in the herbs. Sear for another 5 minutes.
5. Take out the chops from the pan and keep aside.
6. Add in the extra virgin olive oil in the same skillet, followed by onion and apples.
7. Season with salt and cook for 3 minutes. Pour in the beer to make deglaze.
8. Place the pork chops over the deglaze sauce. Turn off the heat and place the pan in the oven for 15 minutes at 400 degrees F.
9. Serve Pork Chops and enjoy!
Pizza Casserole RECIPE FOR TODAY
Pizza CasseroleIngredients
1 lb. ground meat
1 16 oz. box bow tie pasta
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon oregano
½ teaspoon garlic powder
2 ounces sliced pepperoni
1 (26 ounce) jar pasta sauce
1 10 oz. can diced Italian style tomatoes
¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
1 (8 ounce) package shredded Italian cheese blend
Any other pizza toppings, you can add like black olives, sausage, onions, green peppers, etc...
Boil water and salt for pasta. Once it starts boiling, add pasta. Brown meat in a separate frying pan. When pasta is cooked, drain.
In a lightly greased 9×13×3 inch pan, pour a small amount of sauce to lightly coat bottom. Add a layer of pasta and add 1/2 of sauce, can of tomatoes, garlic powder, and oregano.
On top of pasta, layer the ground meat, then add a layer of pepperonis. Sprinkle parmesan cheese, and Italian cheese. And layer more pepperoni. Top with bacon bits and anything else you like just like a pizza!
Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes
Pull Apart Bacon Bread RECIPE FOR TODAY
Pull Apart Bacon Bread
1 lb bacon...
3/4 cup chopped onion
3 (16 1/3 ounce) cans pillsbury buttermilk biscuits
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
3/4 cup chopped green pepper
1/2 cup margarine
1 Cook bacon until crisp. Drain and crumble.
2 Place oil in skillet and sauté onions and peppers until tender.
3 Cut each biscuit into fourths and place in bowl. Mix in peppers, onions, bacon, cheese and margarine.
4 Put into 10 inch tube pan (sprayed).
5 Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes.
6 Remove from pan immediately.

- 3 tomates en cubo
- 2 dientes de ajo picado
- 2 cucharadas de aceite
- ½ cebolla morada picada
- 2 ramitas de ciIantro
- 400 gr. de camarones
- Sal al gusto
- Pimienta al gusto
- ½ taza de chile chipotle adobo
- 1/2 oz de tequila
- ½ taza de queso rallado
- 8 tortillas de maíz
Primeramente cortamos en cuadritos la cebolla morada, el ajo picado y el tomate.
Salpimentamos y salteamos todo en una sartén con un par de cucharadas de aceite de oliva durante unos 8 minutos a fuego vivo.
A continuación agregamos los camarones y el tequila, flambeamos.
Una vez se haya apagado el fuego, agregamos el chipotle (chile adobo) y dejamos reducir.
Seguidamente agregamos ahora el queso y las 2 hojas de cilantro picadas. Removemos bien.
Finalmente rellenamos el taco y servimos con limón al lado.